Use "undoubted" in a sentence

1. The film was an undoubted success.

2. 6 The lad has undoubted talent.

3. The event was an undoubted success.

4. 14 The lad has undoubted talent.

5. 1 The film was an undoubted success.

6. 5 She is undoubted star of British ballet.

7. She is the undoubted star of British ballet.

8. 3 The event was an undoubted success.

9. 4 She has an undoubted talent as an organizer.

10. She has an undoubted talent as an organizer.

11. 2 She is the undoubted star of British ballet.

12. 14 Nurturing her daughter's undoubted talent has cost Mrs Charley dearly.

13. 7 Nevertheless Carter had several undoubted successes in foreign policy.

14. 15 Although a player of undoubted talent, he was not reliable.

15. Congress has undoubted power to redefine the distribution of power over interstate commerce.

16. 20 Its chief selling point is the undoubted superiority of its after-sales service.

17. 22 This is undoubted, but unfortunately for historians these changes can not be measured precisely.

18. 19 It was also an undoubted personal and political triumph for Margaret Thatcher.

19. In those circumstances I hold that the undoubted disturbance to the residents is not actionable.

20. 16 You have an undoubted talent as a communicator and it will not go away.

21. You have an undoubted talent as a communicator and it will not go away.

22. 11 In those circumstances I hold that the undoubted disturbance to the residents is not actionable.

23. 23 This match must have seemed the perfect opportunity for him to display his undoubted pace.

24. He was a man of undoubted genius, but bad-tempered, egocentric, and impossible to live with.

25. 12 Their musicians, in common with everyone else, face undoubted difficulties but also some exciting possibilities.

26. 9 The one undoubted gain has been improved health,( and with it longer life itself.

27. We hold it firmly for an undoubted truth that our soul is incorruptible and immortal.

28. 25 Mrs Gibbs regarded it with a little shock of instant pleasure for her daughter's undoubted talent.

29. 17 He was a man of undoubted genius, but bad-tempered, egocentric, and impossible to live with.

30. 29 George Wigg almost had a stroke, in view of his undoubted and continuing hostility to her.

31. She found two cellos with a nice timbre, perfect finish and undoubted charm-she plays the cello herself.

32. Stirling has already established an undoubted reputation for innovative teaching and offers its students an excellent learning environment.

33. 28 She found two cellos with a nice timbre, perfect finish and undoubted charm-she plays the cello herself.

34. 10 Stirling has already established an undoubted reputation for innovative teaching and offers its students an excellent learning environment.

35. 26 His party stood in these elections pledging to fight the undoubted problems faced by many constituents.

36. 27 The food and drink industry is responding to the undoubted demand for low and no-alcohol drinks.

37. 13 For your part, you will bring your undoubted talent as well as your customers to the business.

38. The Zeitgeist has proved more powerful than her own undoubted moral fibre and the historical influence of her own Church and family.

39. 8 So it was that her charisma and undoubted beauty helped to make her the first lady air correspondent in the world.

40. 5 In Rene Descartes′ opinion, object- deduction as the fifth road to wisdom that he found has an undoubted reliability and definiteness.

41. 21 Undoubted crustaceans are found in rocks as old as Cambrian, at which time free-swimming species were living happily alongside the trilobites.

42. 30 So they stayed in an hotel in Hampstead and did the sights and enjoyed some of the fruits of his undoubted success.

43. So it was that her charisma and undoubted beauty helped to make her the first lady air correspondent in the world.

44. 18 Perhaps they could use some of their undoubted energy in joining a night shotgun vigil after a hard day's work?

45. Over 30 years of Avisa presence on the auto accessories market allows us to maintain the status of the undoubted leader in the segment

46. 24 The Zeitgeist has proved more powerful than her own undoubted moral fibre and the historical influence of her own Church and family.

47. The former distance barely falls out of the range of congeneric divergence of Asteroidea, whereas the latter is an undoubted intergeneric distance (Ward, Holmes & O’Hara, 2008)

48. Relying on its superior 5G network, CMHK is Besting the other three local operators' download speeds by nearly double, demonstrating phenomenal internet speed performance with its undoubted strength.

49. Brit fishermen STARVED by EU mega-trawlers Blockading UK waters - COMMENT FISHING was the undoubted poster boy for Brexit, underpinned by expansive promises from senior Government officials of

50. "The Binucleate egg gave Trow the conviction, as he acknowledges, But the present studies show that Binucleate eggs are quite common in an undoubted " 2

51. Sir Alex Ferguson felt for his latest debutant after his failure to score, but he remains confident that Obertan will go on to prove his worth and realise his undoubted potential.

52. Nest construction is attributed by classical scientists to inborn capacity , but there is undoubted evidence to show that a female actually measures heights with the length of her own body and diameters with her antennae .

53. Anthropoidea (Simiiformes; cohort Unguiculata, order Primates) Suborder comprising the monkeys, apes, and humans.Monkeys and apes have a common ancestor and diverged in the Oligocene.The dryopithecines of the succeeding Miocene were undoubted apes

54. Bemoaning the state of British arts in general, she Animadverted concerning our undoubted satirical prowess: "It's easy for us, it's what we do? we just lift an arse cheek and out it comes."

55. As therefore, the above-mentioned Kermes vermilio is the undoubted representative of the old dye-producing Kermes of the Persians and Arabs, and as it is also undoubtedly a true Coccid and not Aphidian, it is right that the generic name of Kermes should be attached to the Coccid family, and that some other should be found for those Aphidians at

56. " With the profoundest respect , therefore , for His Excellency - in - Council and the utmost confidence in His Excellency ' s enlightened administration and undoubted sympathy for the people , with firm conviction that His Excellency is determined to give fair play to the scheme of Local Self - government in the Presidency , I must yet strongly oppose the insertion of such a clause as that , because I think it is radically wrong in principle .

57. The horizontal theme selected for this report, namely local development, is amply dealt with in the various chapters, even if the statement that it "is not a policy priority for the Community" is somewhat baffling: firstly because the need for stating this is unclear (why state what is not the case?), and secondly because two European Summits are mentioned immediately afterwards (Florence and Dublin) at which undoubted prominence was given to local development and the employment pacts.