Use "undisturbed" in a sentence

1. Just 10 minutes, undisturbed?

2. Booklice prefer damp, warm, undisturbed situations

3. This giant pressure cooker may lie undisturbed.

4. 13 For now I would be lying down undisturbed;+

5. True Airspeed is the Airspeed of an aircraft relative to undisturbed air

6. He immure himself in a small room to work undisturbed.

7. It is these beneficial insects which have laboured to maintain the equilibrium undisturbed .

8. Nearly or completely motionless; undisturbed: the Calm surface of the lake.

9. This timid snake rarely comes near people, preferring undisturbed marshy areas.

10. So, the artists' shell remains intact, the fusty public image undisturbed.

11. 160 synonyms for Calm: cool, relaxed, composed, sedate, undisturbed, collected, unmoved, dispassionate

12. The various wind-formed features are excellent examples of undisturbed aeolian processes.

13. I would see her undisturbed by the gale of words as well.

14. “He will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity.”

15. In return, France would agree to leave Germany and the Netherlands undisturbed.

16. The pentagram, left undisturbed in its place, radiates a zone within the room.

17. Thalweg metrics differed between these undisturbed streams and reaches in streams affected by placer gold mining.

18. Most disturbance-sensitive macroalgal and angiosperm taxa associated with undisturbed conditions are present.

19. They will continue to “reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity.”

20. Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where Ican walk undisturbed.

21. A team of Archaeologists are working on a previously undisturbed area of the abbey grounds

22. Bears, wolves, moose, caribou, and other wild animals roam undisturbed in their natural habitat.

23. ⇒ Common ecological stress of trails includes: a) Allowing easy human access to previously undisturbed areas.

24. The Bobolink is a ground-nesting bird that relies on undisturbed grasslands for its reproduction

25. The island's most notable features are its abandoned concrete buildings, undisturbed except by nature, and the surrounding sea wall.

26. In addition, undisturbed samples were collected at various locations in the clay layer for conducting oedometer tests.

27. Breeding pairs are held in large tanks, undisturbed and under static conditions in order to promote amplexus.

28. 40 They eventually found rich and good pastures, and the land was spacious, quiet, and undisturbed.

29. Another way to characterize these deepening levels of concentration is by the amount of time the mind can remain undisturbed.

30. The tangled lace of Flow drifted undisturbed, and no Aureate Shells larger than those of rats shimmered in

31. Undisturbed, possibly in his roof chamber, he no doubt meditated deeply on the meaning of such passages.

32. Cover it to stop the water from evaporating and leave it undisturbed for 3 or 4 days.

33. In one area a control dike gave way, exposing previously undisturbed areas to lahars as deep as 20 feet [6 m].

34. 23 Systems theory suggests that a closed loop of activity, left undisturbed, will replicate itself over and over.

35. Eventually, if the body lay undisturbed for long enough, the skin might even detach itself from the body.

36. Luxury Accommodation Framed by undisturbed bush and sweeping views of the breathtaking escarpment, Barranca’s villas are luxury redefined

37. 6.4.9 Leave the microtiter plate undisturbed on a vibration-free surface at room temperature for 20-24 hours.

38. Hilton Amsterdam Airport Schiphol boasts air-conditioned rooms, featuring soundproofing and black-out curtains for an undisturbed sleep.

39. The extensible calf rests together with the exceptional angle of the backrest allow undisturbed relaxation during long journeys.

40. 6 The topsoil could then be pushed back across the site and to all appearances undisturbed agricultural land was left.

41. 11 One side will tell of its heroism in battle, the other would prefer its defeat to lie undisturbed.

42. Auscultating before the percussion and palpation of the abdomen ensures that the examiner is listening to undisturbed bowel sounds

43. Likely, swallows that nested in the temple area each year found it a place of safety, where they could rear their young undisturbed.

44. She was the first submersible to dive on the Titanic,[] which had lain undisturbed on the seabed for seventy-three years.

45. “As for the one listening to me, he will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity.” —PROVERBS 1:33.

46. “The one listening to me will dwell in security and be undisturbed by the dread of calamity,” says Proverbs 1:33.

47. “As for the one listening to me, he will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity.” —Proverbs 1:33.

48. BLUE GOOSE FRANK LEWIS NASON When that happened which was appointed to happen, it must find him not only Acquiescent but serene and undisturbed

49. Widespread low-impact agriculture provided habitat for field-loving Bobolinks, which don’t mind living near humans as long as their nests are undisturbed

50. 8 She also left the book undisturbed but felt, as soon as she saw the title, a further fellow feeling with S. Kettering.

51. In 12 patients transthoracic vagotomy was performed, depending on the size of the remaining stomach, undisturbed passage, anamnesis, and exclusion of endocrine disorders.

52. THE WONDER BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE VARIOUS Here was a man who stood four square to the winds, undisturbed by the Cyclonic outbursts of unfriendly newspapers

53. “As for the one listening to me,” God says, “he will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity.” —Proverbs 1:33.

54. A0430 Actual density of the soil Dry weight of a soil sample per unit volume, excluding the air which is enclosed in the undisturbed state.

55. Betony prefers dryish, light soils often on sunny banks and hedgerows, on heathland and other grassy places including, occasionally, the undisturbed margins of arable fields

56. “As for the one listening to [wisdom], he will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity.” —Amos 9:14; Proverbs 1:33.

57. A new study “found that 90 million square kilometres [35,000,000 square miles] of land, about 52 per cent of the total land area, is still undisturbed.”

58. Mites, insect larvae, nematodes and earthworms inhabit deep soil, which can reach 6 metres (20 ft) underground in undisturbed grasslands on the richest soils of the world.

59. For by now I should have lain down that I might be undisturbed; I should have slept then; I should be at rest.” —Job 3:11-13.

60. From these virtually undisturbed forests, it is hoped, needed timbers can be obtained for the construction of dams, power stations, living quarters for the work force and the like.

61. Named for a Norwegian island that transports you back in time when you set foot upon it, the Brimse Cardigan reflects the island's history of traditional farming and undisturbed nature

62. In Illinois, where patches of undisturbed cover are scattered between corn and soybean fields, Badgers have to roam far and wide to find enough food, so individual ranges are enormous, spanning

63. A tea plant will grow into a tree of up to 16 m (52 ft) if left undisturbed, but cultivated plants are generally pruned to waist height for ease of plucking.

64. However, if marshy wetlands of <10 ha (> 25 acres) remain undisturbed and unpolluted, Least Bitterns are tolerant of human presence and may persist in highly urbanized areas (Gibbs et al

65. Use the Annaps Tank Top as pajamas and get wonderful undisturbed sleep or use the Annaps Tank top as your exercise attire! Don’t get tangled up in the tubing or catch it on anything

66. She was looking forward to a period of unbroken rest, now, and undisturbed tete-a-tete with her husband, when he informed her that Gouvernail was coming up to stay a week or two.

67. Plankton (larger than 76 micrometers) taken from an undisturbed oligotrophic was found to have δ13 C values (=13/12 C relative to the Pee Dee be- Belemnite standard) rangingfrom –44 to –47 per mil

68. In accordance with the invention, an SEM detector is provided with a double electric dipole. The latter leaves the primary beam undisturbed to a high degree, but very efficiently deflects the secondary electrons to the actual detector.

69. In order to keep Picard and the Tamarian captain, Dathon , undisturbed, the Tamarian vessel opened fire on the Magellan, only damaging it enough to prevent it from landing. The shuttle aborted the mission and returned to the Enterprise.

70. Ailanthus is a fast growing tree, a prolific seed producer, a persistent stump and root sprouter and an aggressive competitor with respect to the surrounding vegetation. It occurs primarily in disturbed areas, though it may invade undisturbed habitats.

71. The Blowdowns described in this paper, like those of the 1997 Routt blowdown, are not spatially continuous, but instead consist of discrete patches that are typically 0.1–2.5ha in area, and separated by equal-sized patches of undisturbed trees

72. Through our national Coasts strategy, Audubon is working to reverse this crisis in four ways: Coastal Resilience: Rebuilding and strengthening coastlines through “natural infrastructure,” which create undisturbed habitat for birds and other wildlife, save taxpayer dollars, and safeguard communities from the effects of climate change.

73. This Directive shall not apply to exposure to radon in dwellings or to the natural level of radiation, i.e. to radionuclides contained in the human body, to cosmic radiation prevailing at ground level or to aboveground exposure to radionuclides present in the undisturbed earth

74. Calmness: 1 n a feeling of calm; an absence of agitation or excitement Antonyms: agitation the feeling of being agitated; not calm Types: show 5 types hide 5 types placidity , placidness a feeling of Calmness; a quiet and undisturbed feeling coolness , imperturbability , imperturbableness calm and unruffled self-assurance quietness ,

75. Soil that has lain undisturbed for up to fifty years can contain seeds that can be awakened and spring into life by digging and building work going on in your garden.; It also grows from roots, never ever put it in your compost heap, when you spread the compost you will almost certainly be spreading bits of Bindweed.

76. The mycorrhizae of younger (2- to 3-year-old) and older (5- to 12-year-old) yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britton) and sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) seedlings and saplings were recorded from naturally regenerating plants in gaps created by selective cuts and compared with those of plants of comparable age growing in the undisturbed forest.