Use "undergrowth" in a sentence

1. The snake slithered off into the undergrowth.

2. We beat a path through the undergrowth.

3. They pushed their way through the undergrowth.

4. Bushwhacking meaning: to hike one’s way through woods or dense forest by cutting at undergrowth, bushes, and undergrowth

5. The body was found hidden in dense undergrowth.

6. The hunters beat a path through the undergrowth.

7. The murder weapon was found concealed in undergrowth.

8. They chopped at the undergrowth with their machetes.

9. He hacked his way through the undergrowth.

10. I noticed someone hiding in the undergrowth.

11. We had to chop a way through the undergrowth.

12. A movement caught his eye in the tangled undergrowth.

13. 6 They chopped at the undergrowth with their machetes.

14. 6 The body was found hidden in dense undergrowth.

15. The dog came crashing through the undergrowth towards us.

16. 11 Trees, undergrowth and creepers intertwined, blocking our way.

17. The snake wound its way through the undergrowth.

18. I could hear him crashing through the undergrowth.

19. I detected a slight movement in the undergrowth.

20. Police discovered the body hidden in thick undergrowth.

21. She thrust her way through the dense undergrowth.

22. There was a sudden movement in the undergrowth.

23. Trees, undergrowth and creepers intertwined, blocking our way.

24. I could hear an animal scuttling about in the undergrowth.

25. 17 The dog came crashing through the undergrowth towards us.

26. There were half a dozen foxes skulking in the undergrowth.

27. The explorers beat a path through the thick undergrowth.

28. 12 I detected a slight movement in the undergrowth.

29. 14 I could hear him crashing through the undergrowth.

30. He started to slog his way through the undergrowth.

31. We had to slash our way through the undergrowth with sticks.

32. The explorers hacked at the undergrowth to make a path.

33. They Brayed among the bushes and huddled in the undergrowth

34. They Brayed among the bushes and huddled in the undergrowth.

35. 7 He started to slog his way through the undergrowth.

36. They used their knives to clear a path through the dense undergrowth.

37. I heard them coming, crashing through the undergrowth, before I saw them.

38. The bushfire actually helped to burn off a lot of dead undergrowth.

39. As I passed the bottom of Crag Woods a figure emerged from the undergrowth.

40. The workers, scurrying along the tracks through the undergrowth, are blind and sterile.

41. More than 150 species of orchids and 250 types of ferns adorn the thick undergrowth.

42. Here, the round shells are perfect for budging through the undergrowth without getting snagged

43. The tundra is widely grazed by mammals, especially voles and lemmings that burrow in the undergrowth.

44. The undergrowth was so thick that we had to file our way through it.

45. My path ended in thick undergrowth, just where the estuary widened into the sea.

46. Synonyms for Boskage include brushwood, thicket, coppice, copse, brake, covert, boscage, chaparral, undergrowth and bosk

47. Crunching up the gravel drive past a clump of rhododendrons, she heard a scuffle in the undergrowth.

48. The Calabar Angwantibo is most often found in ar eas of dense, low undergrowth with abundant lianas

49. 18 Gazing along wild green shoreline, peering into dark, lush undergrowth, I watched for glimpses of heavy-set black heads.

50. There was a scuffle, and then a woman's giggle, among the undergrowth toward the centre of the small coppice.

51. We watched the men bundle up their parachutes and move off through the dense undergrowth, chopping at it with jungle machetes.

52. Brambly: 1 adj covered with brambles and ferns and other undergrowth Synonyms: braky wooded covered with growing trees and bushes etc

53. Although very colourful, it is usually shy and hidden in the undergrowth where it picks insects on the forest floor.

54. 8 When a new site is chosen for cultivation, the undergrowth is removed, and later the trees, with an adze.

55. Achievement: "Cryptonym" Strongbox: Location: Tangled Depths: Description: Search in the Undergrowth Connector area for the strongbox from the "Cryptonym."

56. Accentors spend the majority of their time in the undergrowth and even when flushed, stay low to the ground until reaching cover

57. Service projects for youth and missionaries were periodically organized to clear the grove of fallen trees and limbs, undergrowth, and even stumps and dead leaves.

58. I'll be taking a first look at Aggrandise, one of the Extra Levels added to Empires Of The Undergrowth - A game created by Slug Disco Studios

59. On Newton's left, his brigade under Brig. Gen. George D. Wagner attacked through dense undergrowth, but was unable to break through the abatis and fierce rifle fire.

60. There's a new Beta out for Empires of the Undergrowth so let's jump into one of the new levels; Aggrandise!-----You can find the playlist for Empires of the

61. In Trees and Undergrowth (F309a) Van Gogh portrays the play of light falling through the trees to the low-lying plants in highlights of white, yellow and red.

62. At this time of year, the undergrowth is a hive of activity as mouse-sized marsupial carnivores called Antechinus come together for a once-in-a-lifetime mating ritual — literally

63. Adj Bosky covered with or consisting of bushes or thickets "brushy undergrowth","`Bosky' is a literary term","a Bosky park leading to a modest yet majestic plaza"- Jack Beatty"

64. It worked this way: The foresters identified what they felt were potentially the largest and healthiest young trees in the test plot, and then they cut and pruned out the less-promising trees and the competing undergrowth.

65. Boskiest adjective - covered with or consisting of bushes or thickets; "brushy undergrowth"; "`bosky' is a literary term"; "a bosky park leading to a modest yet majestic plaza"- Jack Beatty Bossiest

66. Twice, after tortuous effort, squirming and twisting, he failed in Breasting the big trunk, and on the third attempt, after infinite exertion, he cleared it only to topple helplessly forward and fall on his face in the tangled undergrowth.

67. She peers through the tangled woods, long red tail curling through the Brackened ferns, poised, sniffing the autumn air as the resourceful squirrel gathers nuts and the wise hunter owl watches over the mice hidden in the undergrowth

68. organoleptic criteria: a strong smell of cellar, damp brick and undergrowth, slightly ammoniac, and a slightly salty milky taste with notes of acidity in the paste and a slight bitterness, flavours of curd (at the end of the minimum maturation period), hazelnut and notes of alliums.

69. The ‘Maroilles’/‘Marolles’ has a strong smell of cellar, damp brick and undergrowth, slightly ammoniac, and a slightly salty milky taste with an acidity in the paste and a slight bitterness, flavours of curd (at the end of the minimum ripening duration), hazelnut and notes of alliums.