Use "under the auspices of" in a sentence

1. Learn More about under the Auspices of Share under the Auspices of

2. Under the Auspices of sth with the protection or support of something, especially an organization: The negotiations are being conducted under the Auspices of the WTO

3. (It can also mean ‘patronage’, as in ‘under the Auspices of’).

4. The research is being done under the Auspices of the federal government

5. Judgement is often delivered under the Auspices of a restorative, interventional project

6. This exhibition is being held under the Auspices of the Arts Council.

7. 🔊 Under the Auspices of their teacher, the students dissected a pig

8. Auspices (ˈoːspisiz) : under the Auspices of arranged or encouraged by (a society etc)

9. Auspice definition, patronage; support; sponsorship: under the Auspices of the Department of Education

10. These two colleges were originally under the auspices of the Ministry of Education.

11. ‘The past year has seen a number of initiatives completed under the Auspices of the community council.’ ‘This was usually done under the Auspices of local youth committees.’ ‘Many private gardens are open during the summer under the Auspices of Scotland's Gardens Scheme.’ ‘This is happening on their watch, under their Auspices.’

12. These investigations are conducted under the auspices of the department of Antiquates of Jordan

13. (usually plural) patronage or guidance (esp in the phrase under the Auspices of) 2

14. Prepared by the Covenanting Action Plan Working Group, under the auspices of the Synod of VicTas

15. A research project has been set up under the auspices of the University of Michigan.

16. It was created in 1979 under the auspices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

17. 25 Giambologna's equestrian statue of Cosimo I has been cleaned under the auspices of the Pegasus consortium.

18. 🔊 Two mobile libraries, under the Auspices of the state literacy program, regularly visit inner-city communities

19. Under the Auspices of the Office of Works and its successors since 1908, the castle was preserved due to its historic significance.: Green Acre, under the Auspices of San Diego chef icon Brian Malarky, is known for its fresh, farm-to-table cuisine.: John Marrant had organized a congregation there under the Auspices of the Huntingdon Connection.: The prostitute may be independent or working

20. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics distributed by Plenum is published under the auspices of the Czech Academy of Sciences

21. Aces is an industry-wide collaboration under the auspices of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

22. A review of the management and accountability system is currently being conducted under the auspices of the Group.

23. Under the auspices of the Regional Office, the NHRI organized dialogue sessions with indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants.

24. Under the auspices of CMS there is an Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP)[35].

25. Our homeschool Accrediting program is recognized by the State of MM under the auspices of the Non-public Education.

26. : with the help and support of (someone or something) The donation was made under the auspices of the local historical society

27. The study was carried out by a medical student under the Auspices of the Centre for the Study of Alternative Therapies.

28. Since parties held under the auspices of the Fourth of July will be ongoing all weekend(, some careful planning is required.

29. The Faculty of Tropical Agrisciences has a wide representation of development projects in Ethiopia under the auspices of the Czech Development Agency

30. Arrearage Management Plan (AMP) is a debt forgiveness payment plan option administered by SoCalGas under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission

31. Public expenses and budgeting at all levels became subject to a ministerial officer under the auspices of a new Court of Public Administration.

32. In mid-November, she served as the vehicle for degaussing tests under the auspices of the Naval Ordnance Laboratory at Solomons Island, Maryland.

33. Examples of Auspices in a sentence Under the Auspices of their commander-in-chief, the troops crossed the border into the war zone

34. Auspices n 1: kindly endorsement and guidance; "the tournament was held under the Auspices of the city council" [syn: Auspices, protection, aegis]

35. Cambodia’s communist movement originated in the Khmer People’s Revolutionary Party, which was formed in 1951 under the auspices of the Viet Minh of Vietnam

36. Since 1969, multiple societies have worked together to preserve, improve and market these horses under the auspices of the International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations.

37. If something is done under the Auspices of a particular person or organization, or under someone's Auspices, it is done with their support and approval.

38. The treaty was negotiated in New York City at a global conference under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) from 2–27 July 2012.

39. It was with regard to putting matters, which were late to the legislation, in the regulations under the Auspices of the minister "may"

40. A large-scale study of parent-child relationships was recently carried out under the auspices of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, reports China Today.

41. INFOODS was established in 1984 on the basis of the recommendations of an international group convened under the Auspices of the United Nations University (UNU)

42. Under the auspices of the SQUBIT project, a new pulse and hold method that speeds up switching current readouts is expected to advance superconducting quantum circuitry.

43. The operation is carried out under the auspices of ISMERLO, an international organisation of over 40 countries set up in 2003 following the Kursk submarine disaster.

44. At the start of the 16th century, under the auspices of Abbess Antoinette de Dinteville (1482 – 1523), new wings were constructed and the abbey numbered 120 nuns.

45. Moreover, at national level, the Prime Minister's Office has endorsed an accommodation improvement programme # under the auspices of the Interministerial Committee on Combating Exclusions [meeting] on # ay

46. 2. advancing, under the auspices of the Senior Officials Group on the Security of Information Systems (SOG-IS), international harmonization and standarization of information technology security evaluation criteria;

47. If something is done under the Auspices of a particular person or organization, or under a person or organization's Auspices, it is done with their control, support and approval

48. Saudi Arabia has announced a plan to offer its rivals in Yemen’s long-running war a nationwide Ceasefire under the auspices of the United Nations, the kingdom’s foreign minister said.

49. Moreover, at national level, the Prime Minister’s Office has endorsed an accommodation improvement programme 2006-2009, under the auspices of the Interministerial Committee on Combating Exclusions [meeting] on 12 May 2006.

50. If student volunteers are helping out with disaster relief under the Auspices of the Red Cross, they may be registered with the Red Cross or be using their supplies and equipment

51. ONS’s (2015) standard is that RNs should complete didactic content regarding certain chemotherapy- and Biotherapy-related principles, and then complete a clinical practicum under the auspices of the institution or supporting agency.

52. The Anachronist Since 1995, The Anachronist has been a forum for research published under the auspices of the Department of English Studies at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.

53. The ship had been inspected four times in the US without being detained, and was surveyed in Dubai this year under the auspices of the American Bureau of shipping, the ship's classification society.

54. The Commission noted that, when it had permitted the further development of the Senior Management Service under the auspices of CEB, it had not, at the same time, abdicated its responsibility in this area.

55. In January 2014 a "Research Centre for Latina American criminal law and criminal procedure" ("Centro de Estudios de Derecho Penal y Procesal Penal Latinoamericano" / CEDPAL) was inaugurated at Göttingen under the auspices of Ambos' professorship.

56. A program for inner-city youths that is under the Auspices of a national corporation interpreted the teacher's smile as an auspice that he would get an A on his presentation Recent Examples on the Web But the whole auspice …

57. A program for inner-city youths that is under the Auspices of a national corporation interpreted the teacher's smile as an Auspice that he would get an A on his presentation Recent Examples on the Web But the whole Auspice …

58. It also supported regular meetings of Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot political party representatives under the auspices of the Embassy of Slovakia, including a joint visit by them to the monasteries Sourp Magar and Agios Panteleimon in the north in late November.

59. Such a body must operate under the auspices of the United Nations, which bears the institutional legitimacy necessary to respond effectively to the challenges of globalization with coherent global standards to combat abusive tax practices and ensure fair taxation of corporate profits worldwide.

60. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Auspices aus‧pic‧es / ˈɔːspɪsɪz $ ˈɒː-/ noun [plural] → under the Auspices of somebody/something Examples from the Corpus Auspices • In 1984, for example, an external mediator was appointed following the breakdown of negotiations, and agreement reached under his Auspices.

61. Ethniko kentro erevnas kai technologikis Anaptyxis The Information Technologies Institute (ITI) – formerly known as Informatics and Telematics Institute – is a research institute that was founded in 1998 as a non-profit organisation under the auspices of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) of Greece, with its head

62. He called the Goan Inquisition "an instrument to fulfill the duty of the state to God" and expressed the opinion: "When Christianity first appeared in India under the auspices of the Portuguese explorers, the land suffered under the double tyranny of Islam and Hinduism, a twin Benightment.

63. The Appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC; French pronunciation: [apɛlasjɔ̃ dɔʁiʒin kɔ̃tʁole]; "controlled designation of origin") is a French certification granted to certain French geographical indications for wines, cheeses, butters, and other agricultural products, all under the auspices of the government bureau Institut national des Appellations d'origine, now called Institut

64. The appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC; French pronunciation: [apɛlasjɔ̃ dɔʁiʒin kɔ̃tʁole]; "controlled designation of origin") is a French certification granted to certain French geographical indications for wines, cheeses, butters, and other agricultural products, all under the auspices of the government bureau Institut national des Appellations d'origine, now called Institut

65. Ironically enough, most of these further Balkanizations have been under the auspices of Russia in order to weaken the states that broke away, but also with a plausible reason – most such territories are populated by minority ethnic groups and were semi-autonomous regions during the Soviet era, but lost the privilege once assimilated into the new republics.

66. On April 1, 1996, by decision of the Board of Directors of the State Civil Aviation Company, under the auspices of ICAO and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the air navigation service company Azeraeronavigatsiya (Azans) was created, making it the first of the structural divisions of Azerbaijan Hava Yollari State Company to obtain a legally independent status.

67. Participants acting under the auspices of the Council for Trade in Goods shall inform other Members of the WTO and States or separate customs territories in the process of acceding to the WTO of these modalities and initiate consultations with a view to facilitate their participation in the expansion of trade in information technology products on the basis of the Declaration.

68. It has also facilitated sharing of our concerns about the emergence of Af-Pak region as an epicentre of terrorism, countering the false propaganda being disseminated by Pakistan on violations of human rights in J&K, alerting Indian agencies about the assessment of foreign counterparts regarding various threats posed to India’s security, expediting Mutual Legal Assistance and extradition requests, controlling drug trafficking and Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) and for emphasizing the importance of early adoption of a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT) under the auspices of the UN.