Use "undelivered" in a sentence

1. If undelivered, please return to sender.

2. Heelpath ,schiavoni low-tread Beleaguerer animacule undervaluement well-accommodated undelivered Syrophoenician bioscopic realigns ,

3. After the postal strike there was a huge backlog of undelivered mail.

4. 6 After the postal strike there was a huge backlog of undelivered mail.

5. Provision must be made for the irrevocable emergency destruction of stored, undelivered messages, where necessary and when needed.

6. When you send a letter by airmail to ladies overseas please enter your return address on the envelope so undelivered mail can be returned.

7. 488200 Upward Adjustments of Prior-Year Undelivered Orders - Obligations, Prepaid/Advanced 490100 Delivered Orders – Obligation, Unpaid 490200 Delivered Orders – Obligation, Paid 497100 Downward Adjustments of Prior-Year Unpaid Delivered Orders – Obligations, Recoveries

8. Lincoln was elected president on November 6, 1860, and the following month Booth drafted a long speech, apparently undelivered, that decried Northern abolitionism and made clear his strong support of the South and the institution of slavery.