Use "uncorrectable" in a sentence

1. In order to avoid uncorrectable aliasing errors, the analogue signals shall be appropriately filtered before sampling and digitizing.

2. In order to avoid uncorrectable aliasing errors, the analogue signals shall be appropriately filtered before sampling and digitising.

3. If the hard-decision LDPC decoder detects an uncorrectable error, then the SSD controller uses a 1.5-bit read (two reads) erasure-decision LDPC decoder to access the flash memory.

4. Amblyopia is an uncorrectable decrease in vision in one or both eyes with no apparent structural abnormality seen to explain it. It is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning that when a decrease in vision is detected, other causes must be ruled out

5. InCorrigible: 1 adj impervious to correction by punishment Synonyms: unreformable , unregenerate unrepentant and incapable of being reformed uncontrollable , uncorrectable , unmanageable incapable of being controlled or managed disobedient not obeying or complying with commands of those in authority Antonyms: Corrigible capable of being