Use "unbroken" in a sentence

1. Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

2. His taciturnity was unbroken.

3. One sash, an unbroken tradition.

4. The mould thus stubbornly remained unbroken.

5. There was not one unbroken windowpane.

6. Silence reigned unbroken in the room.

7. Grainne is Dierdriu's granddaughter by an unbroken line.

8. Above me[Sentencedict], a precipice of unbroken rock.

9. We've had ten days of almost unbroken sunshine.

10. 6 Above me, a precipice of unbroken rock.

11. The horizon is flat, unbroken by even a tree.

12. Get "Unbroken" here: Out March 6thCrematory about “Rise And Fall”:“Rise and Fall” symbolizes the “Tear of time” of

13. Contused wound one in which the skin is unbroken

14. The Giants winning streak remained unbroken for an impressive nineteen games.

15. To preserve an unbroken domesticity was essential to his peace of mind.

16. 27 The Giants winning streak remained unbroken for an impressive nineteen games.

17. ‘The facade has one unbroken surface - an early example of the Astylar treatment.’

18. Not that the John Lewis tale has been an unbroken idyll.

19. Fact: It contains our largest relatively unbroken block of deciduous woodland.

20. The vestal silence remained unbroken by the stridulous clarinet and the Blatant trombones

21. It turns out her nose is sore but unbroken, not even bruised.

22. Alix continued to attend such things, in unbroken allegiance to her upbringing.

23. There has been an unbroken chain of great violinists in the family.

24. Under his beneficial rule, earth’s inhabitants will enjoy everlasting and unbroken security.

25. From here, a sandy beach runs almost unbroken along the Peipus' shores until Vasknarva.

26. Ball-ground control samples contained aggregates of unbroken crystallites 5–10 μ in size.

27. You can enjoy the extraordinary sight unbroken cloud plains that stretch out before you.

28. It also won four American Music Awards from twelve nominations, an unbroken record.

29. You are the son of Durotan and Draka, an unbroken line of chieftains.

30. Those keys have been passed down in an unbroken line to President Hinckley.

31. Their shields presented an almost unbroken wall of armor, one bristling with spears.

32. The rugby team is from a rural ancestral world where traditions run unbroken.

33. Antonyms for Contravened include kept, obeyed, honoured, honored, unbroken, fulfilled, followed, maintained, held and observed

34. Antonyms for Bisected include whole, entire, full, intact, total, overall, unbroken, uncut, undivided and unspoiled

35. Now, here it is intact, bowed but unbroken, showing a strength that belies its delicate appearance.

36. Antonyms for Crenate include smooth, straight, even, plane, unbroken, level, flat, clean and soft

37. Last night was my first night of unbroken sleep since the baby was born.

38. There is an unbroken lineage of Bodhisattvas, springing from the great Bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara, Vajrapani, and Manjushri.

39. It won a BMI R&B Award, continuing Carey's unbroken streak of wins for this award.

40. Bronco definition is - an unbroken or imperfectly broken range horse of western North America : Bronc; broadly : mustang

41. The Antiochian Orthodox Church claims an unbroken line of Apostolically appointed bishops from Peter’s time to now

42. The beach has unbroken stretches of wilderness ranging from 10 to 20 miles (16 to 32 km).

43. Even if the man drifted close to sleep, which the stillness encouraged, the union remained unbroken.

44. Tag Archives: Cinemaphile Will the circle be unbroken? Posted on 31/05/2011 by eyemaster

45. 15 You can enjoy the extraordinary sight unbroken cloud plains that stretch out before you.

46. It was an unbroken chain of steadily growing outward and inward difficulties, a genuine "Jeremiad".

47. Bronc definition is - an unbroken or imperfectly broken range horse of western North America : Bronco; broadly : mustang.

48. Corrals are not constructed to be used with unbroken horses, unruly horses, wild horses, or cattle

49. Antonyms for Chafed include moist, smooth, soft, silky, moisturized, unwrinkled, wrinkle-free, unbroken, wrinkleless and nice

50. Cement-treated bases consist of unbroken and /or broken aggregate bonded with cement, a hydraulic binder.

51. Sizing of Cupolas: Use 1-1/4" inches of Cupola for every foot of unbroken roof-line

52. It was a century of almost unbroken war, with few and brief periods without organised armed conflict somewhere.”

53. Unbroken skin over a Blister may provide a natural barrier to bacteria and decreases the risk of infection

54. Bronco definition is - an unbroken or imperfectly broken range horse of western North America : bronc; broadly : mustang

55. I recall passing several boring hours in the California desert under dense, unbroken clouds before giving up.

56. The skin was unbroken and smooth, as if it were now untroubled by worries in endless sleep.

57. After twelve or thirteen centuries of unbroken continuity the landscape was being changed out of all recognition.

58. Unlike humans, horses do not sleep in a solid, unbroken period of time, but take many short periods of rest.

59. It was a radical departure from the past, an interlude of democracy in an otherwise unbroken line of authoritarian rule.

60. 21 After twelve or thirteen centuries of unbroken continuity the landscape was being changed out of all recognition.

61. The Bagua, consisting of eight sets of three lines, broken and unbroken in different combinations, represent natural forces

62. 29 After twelve or thirteen centuries of unbroken continuity the landscape was being changed out of all recognition.

63. Thus an unbroken column of water extends in the tree from the root cells to the leaf cells.

64. An unbroken record of service for over IOO years is a great tests» Aionial to a great medicine

65. Many of the pastures looked as though dandelions were being grown commercially, for they formed carpets of unbroken yellow.

66. When the stretch between Cascade and Wyoming is Blacktopped, an unbroken blacktop road from the Twin Cities and St

67. A general rule of thumb is a minimum of 1.25" of Cupola for every foot of unbroken roof ridge line

68. A general rule of thumb is a minimum of 1.25" of Cupola for every foot of unbroken roof ridge line

69. Multi-mode fiber is available in lengths up to 4 km, although industrial standards only mandate 2 km unbroken runs.

70. It is possible to detect individual pulses from this millisecond pulsar with high signal-to-noise ratio in unbroken trains.

71. Such survivals in the unbroken tradition of the cottage garden are now rare examples of such excellence and are very scarce indeed.

72. Continental Carbonic has enjoyed an unbroken record of profitability since its inception and finished 2018 with more than $180 million in annual sales.

73. The festival has an unbroken history and continued to be held even when its existence was under threat (under the ancien régime

74. The festival has an unbroken history and continued to be held even when its existence was under threat (under the ancien régime).

75. One of the Earth’s great natural features, the Andes form an unbroken rampart over some 5,500 miles—from the southern tip of South America to …

76. We think there is a limitless supply of sunrises waiting just beyond the horizon, and the future looks to us like an unbroken road stretching endlessly before us.

77. The resulting Backwash—which can appear as a small unbroken swell or a small foam- fringed wave—can then ruffle or explode across the next incoming wave.

78. 5 The globe shows that the entire southern hemisphere is preponderantly water—the widest parts of the AtlanticPacific, the unbroken sweep of Antarctic seas circling the world.

79. Brixton Bolls Media the owners of the Human Rights Radio Show UNBROKEN on All Armed Forces Radio 107.7fm Abuja airing 8pm every Tuesdays beginning form Friday April 9th 2021

80. 6 The globe shows that the entire southern hemisphere is preponderantly water—the widest parts of the Atlantic and Pacific, the unbroken sweep of Antarctic seas circling the world.