Use "unassembled" in a sentence

1. NIB - SEAL on sweat ball valves are shipped unassembled.

2. The Agma quality numbers are intended for the classification of unassembled or “loose” gears – supplied separately rather than in an enclosed drive

3. Our wooden frames (available Assembled and unAssembled) are both high-quality and durable with unparalleled fit and finish, top-grade lumber and glued and stapled joints

4. Moorea Bouillonii PNG Imported Taxonomic identifier i: 568701 : Taxonomic lineage i › Bacteria › › › Cyanobacteria › Oscillatoriophycideae › Oscillatoriales › Oscillatoriaceae › Moorea › Proteomes i: UP000186657 Component i: Unassembled WGS sequence ; PTM / Processing i Amino acid modifications