Use "unambiguously" in a sentence

1. All Py_Buffer fields are unambiguously defined by the request type.

2. It appears to be impossible to define Anastomosing rivers unambiguously on …

3. Antonym: unAmbiguously (in an unambiguous manner) Pertainym: ambiguous (having more than one possible meaning)

4. No acrosome has been unambiguously identified to date in the spermatozoon of any teleost.

5. It appears to be impossible to define Anastomosing rivers unambiguously on the basis of channel planform only

6. 17 For both printed and handwritten input, the stimulus alone is insufficient to unambiguously identify the text.

7. It appears to be impossible to define Anastomosing rivers unambiguously on the basis of channel planform only.

8. UnAmbiguously - so as to be unique; "he could determine uniquely the properties of the compound"

9. (b)–(d) Government has unambiguously rejected the Chinese contention, stating that Arunachal Pradesh is an integral part of India.

10. ‘Any document or message that amends and refers specifically and unambiguously to the initial invoice shall be treated as an invoice.’

11. The Commission’s decision shows not only Eritrea’s warped understanding of international law but unambiguously confirms that Eritrea’s illegal act constituted aggression.

12. Any document or message that amends and refers specifically and unambiguously to the initial invoice shall be treated as an invoice.

13. Ambiguously: 1 adv in an ambiguous manner “this letter is worded Ambiguously ” Synonyms: equivocally Antonyms: unAmbiguously , unequivocally in an unambiguous manner

14. Even if some Nato members want to distance themselves from this strategy, the Bush Administration unambiguously supports Nato’s role as a stability network.

15. The aggregate labour demand curve also shifts to the right, and the equilibrium in the labour market shifts from point A to point B. The equilibrium nominal wage increases unambiguously.

16. Identification of origin is completed with the affixing of a casein nameplate bearing the words Grana Padano, the year of manufacture and an alphanumeric code which unambiguously identifies each cheese wheel

17. As her tweet makes unambiguously clear, it is a given for Beard that Oxfam staff were 'civilised' prior to being "Barbarised" by the Haitian context, writes Tilley [Reuters]

18. One of the most influential is Arthur Koestler's 1959 The Sleepwalkers, in which Kepler is unambiguously the hero (morally and theologically as well as intellectually) of the revolution.

19. Indeed, all the studies carried out up until now have unambiguously demonstrated that ionization of food products poses no risk whatsoever to the health and safety of the consumer.

20. But how often are Boycotts successful? History shows that they can work — the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955 was an integral moment of the Civil Rights Movement that unambiguously achieved its

21. That issue is related, but not identical, to the question of unreasonableness, which was addressed in some detail by the High Court by considering whether the award decision plainly and unambiguously flew in the face of fundamental reason and common sense.

22. Section 7-210 unambiguously imposes a duty upon owners of certain real property to maintain the sidewalk Abutting their property in a reasonably safe condition, and provides that said owners are liable for personal injury that is proximately caused by such failure

23. ‘The blocky, black, Businesslike appearance of the stock pistol has been replaced by a two-tone visage that testifies unambiguously to extensive alteration.’ ‘The matte blue finish on the barrel and receiver and the textured finish on the gray stock give an understated, Businesslike appearance.’

24. Standard Anatomical terms of location deal unambiguously with the anatomy of animals, including humans.Terms used generally derive from Latin or Greek roots and used to describe something in its standard Anatomical position.This position provides a definition of what is at the front ("anterior"), behind ("posterior") and so on.

25. Contradictory class location During the 1970s class analysis (particularly of a Marxist kind) was preoccupied with the problem of assigning class positions to those ‘intermediate’ roles (such as manager, supervisor, or salaried professional) which seemed to be neither unambiguously of the bourgeoisie nor of the proletariat, and so generated a series of ‘boundary problems’ in the