Use "unadjusted" in a sentence

1. (a) Level 1: quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;

2. Table A.3 presents the monthly unadjusted and adjusted impacts for unemployment benefit receipt.

3. In addition, fixed-term contracts appear to have a comparatively high unadjusted wage gap compared to permanent contracts.

4. 4 The first is to calculate the risk-adjusted discount rate and apply it to the unadjusted cash flows.

5. The data series disseminated includes both seasonally adjusted data (i.e., excludes predictable annual influences) and the unadjusted data.

6. The table shows that for the Cyclically adjusted series, the growth shortfall with respect to previous recoveries is larger than for the unadjusted series.

7. Although the bias may be smaller than with unadjusted index counts, there is a risk of getting a false sense of accuracy unless assumptions are carefully assessed.