Use "umbrella organization" in a sentence

1. IARU is an umbrella organization to which you are enrolled national amateur radio associations and is currently ...

2. The American Battlefield Trust is the umbrella organization for two divisions -- the Civil War Trust and the Revolutionary War Trust.

3. The attitudes of specialists and generalists toward one another has become less Collegial.For economic and political reasons, many specialists join only their specialty organization and ignore the umbrella organization, the American Medical Association.

4. The Agribusiness Center for Research and Entrepreneurship (Acre), a new initiative by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture, is an umbrella organization that capitalizes on opportunities in the fields of agriculture, agricultural research and entrepreneurship.

5. Established in 1983, the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (“WCA”), formerly known as the Syriac Universal Alliance, is a global umbrella organization representing the various Aramaic (Syriac) national federations in the continents of Europe, America, Australia and the Middle East

6. These latter groups, operating on a much broader (nonunilineal) criterion of “Burgherhood” than the DBUC, proposed the creation of an umbrella organization for all Burghers in the country, while the DBUC representatives reportedly held out for “strengthening the four existing Associations.”