Use "ulterior" in a sentence

1. This lever must serve some ulterior purpose.

2. Ulterior, Artemisinin pur se obtinea prin biosinteza

3. 16 She felt so free from ulterior motives.

4. 15 He has an ulterior object in view.

5. They look around for other explanations and ulterior motives.

6. I believe they'd have some ulterior motive

7. Like, do I have ulterior motives or something?

8. 18 Their groundless accusation is made with ulterior motives.

9. 2 I want to know what is our ulterior action.

10. 9 He had to have an ulterior motive.

11. 1 This lever must serve some ulterior purpose.

12. 17 There was no ulterior motive in his proposal.

13. 10 They look around for other explanations and ulterior motives.

14. Of course, knowing Bernarda, there is always an ulterior motive.

15. 29 It was difficult to accept that Jane had no ulterior motives.

16. 6 I have an ulterior motive in offering to help you.

17. 24 Actually, he invited me out tonight, probably with an ulterior motive.

18. 8 Sheila had an ulterior motive for trying to help Stan.

19. 4 She definitely had an ulterior motive in offering to help.

20. False friends are often great flatterers who curry favor with some ulterior motive.

21. 20 He's just being nice. I don't think he has any ulterior motives .

22. The politician played on the patriotic sentiments of the people from ulterior motives.

23. 13 She was suspicious. Was there an ulterior motive behind his request?

24. 5 I suspect he may have had ulterior motives for being so generous.

25. Under the Republic, Hispania was divided into two provinces: Hispania Citerior and Hispania Ulterior.

26. They were the sturdy facade, the ulterior design for a very canny flow of resources.

27. 7 Jim had ulterior motives in buying me a drink he wants to borrow my van.

28. 11 No ulterior motive lurks behind it,( but it keeps you at a distance.

29. 22 The politician played on the patriotic sentiments of the people from ulterior motives.

30. 12 They were the sturdy facade, the ulterior design for a very canny flow of resources.

31. 21 It's not the kind of thing he'd do unless he had an ulterior motive .

32. She must have some ulterior motive for being nice to me—what does she really want?

33. A member is entitled to a judgment that is free from any extraneous or ulterior motive.

34. Crampon agrees to treat the dancer carefully, but it can seen that there is an ulterior motive

35. 3 She must have some ulterior motive for being nice to me—what does she really want?

36. Whereas dark skinned women talking about their experience of Colorism, we’re often perceived as having ulterior motives

37. 19 He claims he just wants to help Lisa but I suspect he has an ulterior motive.

38. Little by little, journalism is ceasing to acknowledge the true characters in the story, due to ulterior motives.

39. 27 A member is entitled to a judgment that is free from any extraneous or ulterior motive.

40. 30 It was usually felt that the chap with his arm in a sling had an ulterior motive.

41. The legislation pertaining to protection of wetlands and endangered species is clearly being abused by extremists pursuing ulterior motives.

42. 26 However, for Guangming Ribao, all her appeals to students to end the demonstrations had an ulterior motive.

43. 23 The legislation pertaining to protection of wetlands and endangered species is clearly being abused by extremists pursuing ulterior motives.

44. 28 The plaintiff must show that the defendant has turned a blind eye to truth in order to advance an ulterior object.

45. The suggestion of some ulterior motive for the affair, particularly ambition, was risible in a way that the widow could not have imagined.

46. 14 An ulterior motive for performing text recognition is to convert existing printed material into a computer format that permits further processing.

47. 25 It was under the old law if done in pursuance of the ulterior intent, not if done simply to gain access.

48. Attempt to deify the man known as the great man who should be the ulterior motives of the person or people with some kind of complex.

49. Throughout the song, the singer realizes that his partner only wants to be around him for Attention and other ulterior motives instead of loving him for who he is

50. After experiencing difficulty sleeping, Lisa is diagnosed with sleep Apnea and sent to a sleep center where she, and five fellow patients, discover the doctor's ulterior motives and it …

51. Usually, secondary antennae are Biramous (that is, they have two main branches), even though some crustaceans have undergone ulterior modifications so antennae appear as uniramous appendages (with a single branch) or even get reduced

52. The Oxford English Dictionary defines “Allegory” as a “story, picture, or other piece of art that uses symbols to convey a hidden or ulterior meaning, typically a moral or political one.”In its most simple and concise definition, an Allegory is when a

53. Banii ca mijloc de plată, erau utilizați din timpurile străvechi a civilizației umane.La început, au fost utilizați în comerț ca mijloc de plată, sub formă de monede, iar ulterior au apărut bancnotele (note/chitanțe de bancă) și mijloacele electronice de plată (monedă criptică)