Use "ukase" in a sentence

1. For him the concept, the history, the meaning of law made it a diktat, a ukase, a cold threat, a decree.

2. 1842, Henry Brougham, Political Philosophy Many estates peopled with crown peasants have been, according to an ukase of Peter the Great, ceded to particular individuals on condition of establishing manufactories; these peasants called Adscriptive

3. 1842, Henry Brougham, Political Philosophy Many estates peopled with crown peasants have been, according to an ukase of Peter the Great, ceded to particular individuals on condition of establishing manufactories; these peasants called Adscriptive

4. ‘‘Look at those clouds in the East,’ said the deputy Archimandrite, deliberately changing the subject.’ ‘A staff is also granted to Archimandrites and abbots, as they are the heads of monasteries.’ ‘A ukase in 1763 limited the composition of the Synod to three archbishops, two Archimandrites, and one archpriest.’