Use "tyrannosaurs" in a sentence

1. Tyrannosaurs had large olfactory bulbs and olfactory nerves (relative to their brain size).

2. The Running of the Tyrannosaurs (Colosseums for Dinosaurs Book 1) - Kindle edition by Litore, Stant

3. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Running of the Tyrannosaurs (Colosseums …

4. The sense of smell in tyrannosaurs may have been comparable to modern vultures, which use scent to track carcasses for scavenging.

5. Unlike tyrannosaurs, ancient predators like phytosaurs and Dimetrodon had no adaptations to prevent the crack-like serrations of their teeth from spreading when subjected to the forces of feeding.

6. ‘The Antediluvian myth is one where it is suggested that the ancients lived exceptionally long lives.’ ‘Birds did not evolve from massive sauropods or Antediluvian, tanklike ankylosaurs or even from the large tyrannosaurs (which do, in fact, branch fairly close to birds on the dinosaur bush).’