Use "tyrannical" in a sentence

1. Tyrannical Hollywood film moguls ruled their stars'lives.

2. He is cruel and tyrannical.

3. Jie was extremely tyrannical and dissolute.

4. ‘The Town of Tyrannical Nations’

5. 16 Tyrannical Hollywood film moguls ruled their stars'lives.

6. Isaiah describes her as a ‘town of tyrannical nations.’

7. The conductor tends to be tyrannical at concert rehearsals.

8. Defeat the tyrannical Qin, save the people

9. I think you're very harsh and tyrannical.

10. She works for a tyrannical new boss.

11. 10 Jie was extremely tyrannical and dissolute.

12. No one will like to live in a tyrannical despotism.

13. He never asked if she remembered his tyrannical parenting.

14. If you were encountering a tyrannical overlord, what would you do?

15. The people soon reacted against the tyrannical system.

16. She married to get away from her tyrannical mother.

17. He was brought up by a cruel and tyrannical father.

18. You know how inefficient and tyrannical government bureaucracies are.

19. (b) How will “the melody itself of the tyrannical ones” be suppressed?

20. Never be bossy or tyrannical in exercising headship, but manifest humility.

21. He was just as feared and reviled as his tyrannical parents.

22. Lewis was a tyrannical boss who frightened and humiliated his employees.

23. Some treated their staff in a high-handed and tyrannical way.

24. He killed his tyrannical father with a blow to the head.

25. As a manager he was Belligerent, tyrannical, wisecracking, but always affectionate

26. Yet this same lust for tyrannical conquest is also their greatest weakness.

27. Thousands of refugees fled the tyrannical regime in search of political freedom.

28. Adrian, the tyrannical waitress in a foreign country, had them all spellbound.

29. Meanwhile, Arses did not accept the tyrannical censure which Bagoas was imposing on him

30. Some people felt that machines exercised a new kind of tyrannical power over them.

31. Tyrannical, Bolstering, Storming, Prideful Based on 3200 runs, ranging in difficulty from +16 to +22.

32. Of Autocratical”, “Like an autocrat; tyrannical” and “The principles or practices of …

33. Dennis Quaid is the doughty knight, Bowen, battling David Thewlis' tyrannical king.

34. THE abasing of the ‘town of tyrannical nations’ calls for a victory song!

35. 29 Adrian, the tyrannical waitress in a foreign country, had them all spellbound.

36. Synonyms for Autarchic include dictatorial, tyrannical, autocratic, despotic, authoritarian, tyrannous, autocratical, monocratic, totalitarian and Autarchical

37. In the end she left home just to escape the tyrannical rule of her mother.

38. Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical. Blaise Pascal 

39. Synonyms for Autocratical include autocratic, dictatorial, tyrannical, despotic, authoritarian, tyrannous, monocratic, autarchic, totalitarian and autarchical

40. And I think forcing people to uncover their head is as tyrannical as forcing them to cover it.

41. The husband’s headship is to be exercised always in a loving way, not in a tyrannical manner.

42. The young composer wanders through a haunted mansion, trying to exorcise the spirits of his tyrannical father and castrating sisters.

43. Emperor of Rome( a. d. 14-. Chosen by Augustus to be heir to the throne, he was a suspicious, tyrannical ruler.

44. It was this last, clearly tyrannical, action which stirred Anselm to take the only countervailing measure open to him.

45. Wasn't there a brutally tyrannical rabbit society Counterpoised to the longed-for, sought-after egalitarian rabbit utopia? BEA/ALA, booksellers

46. They were tyrannical bullies, and the sin of their lustful fathers is likened to the perversions of Sodom and Gomorrah.

47. 15 It was this last, clearly tyrannical, action which stirred Anselm to take the only countervailing measure open to him.

48. There are many synonyms of Autarchic which include Absolutistic, Authoritarian, Autocratic, Autocratical, Despotic, Dictatorial, Monarchical, Totalitarian, Tyrannical, Tyrannous, Monocratic, Autarchical, etc.

49. There are many synonyms of Autocratical which include Absolutistic, Authoritarian, Autocratic, Despotic, Dictatorial, Monarchical, Totalitarian, Tyrannical, Tyrannous, Monocratic, Autarchic, Autarchical, etc.

50. Some of the governments pictured by the image’s feet and toes of iron mixed with clay are ironlike—authoritarian or tyrannical.

51. Placing a child in a day nursery is coercive and tyrannical and a violation of the child's free and natural disposition.

52. I noticed you being a Bully towards people with disabilities.· A noisy, blustering, tyrannical person, more insolent than courageous; one who

53. Beau, John and Digby Geste are brothers who join the Foreign Legion, where they fall under the rule of tyrannical Sergeant Markoff

54. Placing a child in a day nursery is coercive and tyrannical and a violation of the child's free and natural disposition.sentence dictionary

55. Apprehension Quotes - BrainyQuote When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty; because Apprehensions may arise, lest the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws, to execute them in a tyrannical manner.

56. (b) At Isaiah 25:4, 5, how does Isaiah speak of Jehovah, both with regard to “the lowly one” and “the tyrannical ones”?

57. Authoritarian - a person who behaves in a tyrannical manner; "my boss is a dictator who makes everyone work overtime" dictator

58. Adjective (Informal) domineering, lordly, arrogant, authoritarian, oppressive, hectoring, autocratic, dictatorial, coercive, imperious, overbearing, tyrannical, despotic, high-handed She remembers being a rather Bossy little girl.

59. Antigovernment extremists often boast that the Second Amendment is the right that ensures the rest, claiming that without guns citizens cannot keep a tyrannical government in check

60. After the expulsion of Hippias in 510 BC, work on this structure was stopped: Democratic Athens had no desire to continue a monument of tyrannical self-aggrandisation.

61. In anyone's view, I was a girl self-willed, barbarous and tyrannical. But these are all rights for girl. What's important is that I can discern the suitable condition to show my caprice.

62. (Ephesians 5:23) Thus, the husband is not to abdicate his responsibility but to shoulder it manfully; nor is he to be tyrannical or harsh but, rather, loving, reasonable, and kind.

63. This post-apocalyptic RPG casts the player as a member of an underground resistance organization trying to free the human inhabitants of planet XK-120 from the clutches of a tyrannical race of robotic oppressors known as the Tzorgs.

64. The Lords Appellant were a group of nobles in the reign of King Richard II, who, in 1388, sought to impeach some five of the King's favourites in order to restrain what was seen as tyrannical and capricious rule

65. 12 Concerning persecutors David cries out: “O God, the presumptuous ones themselves have risen up against me; and the very assembly of tyrannical ones have looked for my soul, and they have not set you in front of themselves.”

66. ‘Elizabeth I called the attempted invasion of England a ‘tyrannical, proud and Brainsick attempt’.’ ‘Thus, within the masque text, blackness is equated with beauty, love, and wisdom, but the prejudice stirred up by some ‘poor Brainsick men’ has convinced the Daughters …

67. Authoritarian: 1 adj characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty “an Authoritarian regime” Synonyms: autocratic , despotic , dictatorial , tyrannic , tyrannical undemocratic not in agreement with or according to democratic doctrine or practice or ideals adj expecting unquestioning obedience “the timid

68. Arendt wrote: ‘[O]rganized loneliness is considerably more dangerous than the unorganized impotence of all those who are ruled by the tyrannical and arbitrary will of a single man.’ So, even if Trump were all the things Hertz and his other Anathematisers claim, he is not …

69. Every wanton, or Causeless, or unnecessary act of authority, exerted, or authorized, or encouraged by the legislature over the citizens, is wrong, and unjustifiable, and tyrannical: for every citizen is, of right, entitled to liberty, personal as well as mental, in the highest possible degree, which can consist with the safety and welfare of

70. Bureaucracy (n.) "government by bureaus," especially "tyrannical officialdom," excessive multiplication of administrative bureaus and concentration of power in them, in reference to their tendency to interfere in private matters and be inefficient and inflexible, 1818, from French bureaucratie, coined by French economist Jean Claude Marie Vincent de Gournay (1712-1759) on model of democratie