Use "twinkled" in a sentence

1. The boy's eyes twinkled with mischief.

2. Her eyes twinkled with mischief.

3. Stars twinkled in the sky.

4. She twinkled her straight toes.

5. Lights twinkled across the bay.

6. Her eyes twinkled with merriment.

7. The stars twinkled in the sky.

8. Stars twinkled in the night sky.

9. The lamps twinkled in the gathering dusk.

10. The tree lights twinkled gaily across the lake.

11. His smile broadened and his eyes twinkled with whimsy.

12. His eyes how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!

13. And, "In twinkled Alleluiahs of delight" is such a wonderful line

14. 18 His eyes twinkled merrily, seeming to send out light and warmth.

15. Stars twinkled above them as they lay on the hill.

16. The diamond on her finger twinkled in the fire-light.

17. 3 Her dress was covered in sequins which twinkled as she moved.

18. ‘The two men drive away into the night - cackling, Chortling and tossing their hats in the air.’ ‘His clear, dreamy blue eyes twinkled joyfully and his infant voice chortled gleefully.’ ‘Howard ends this play Chortling like a loon, having the last laugh as ever.’