Use "tussock" in a sentence

1. Yield of Culms/tussock Total yield of Culms (from 1600 tussock) Total No

2. If the paddocks can be topped and harrowed after each grazing, a more even, tussock-free sward can be maintained.

3. (noun) Specialities of the reserve: Tussock sedge, bog pimpernel, bog pimpernel, Bogbean, southern marsh orchid, reed bunting, snipe, grass snake.

4. When a large, grass-covered tussock was washed ashore in 1974, scientists took half of it for analysis and discovered 663 land invertebrates, mostly mites and springtails, the great majority of which had survived the crossing.

5. Broken, frequent and abrupt changes in slope and aspect due to presence of frost-shattered bedrock and large angular boulders; small depressions with lichen-heath tundra, tussock graminoid tundra, or ponds are common.

6. The RNA synthesis in the midgut of the tussock moth, Orgyia leucostigma, infected with cytoplasmic-polyhedrosis virus has been studied in the presence of actinomycin D. Although actinomycin D at a concentration of 2 μg/larva does inhibit the cellular RNA synthesis, virus-specific RNA can be still synthesized in the infected midgut.