Use "turn in" in a sentence

1. Leaves turn in autumn.

2. Turn in your homework, please.

3. " arms-akimbo turn in Dizzy Izzy

4. Turn in your dissertation next month.

5. 4 Turn in your homework, please.

6. I usually turn in at about midnight.

7. I'm going to turn in my nightshift.

8. Turn in your weapons and surrender now.

9. Turn in your uniform before you leave.

10. Her feet turn in as she walks.

11. I think I'll turn in early tonight.

12. It's late-I think I'll turn in.

13. The students turn in at half past eleven.

14. Remind publishers to turn in field service reports.

15. The market showed an upward turn in August.

16. This car will turn in its own length.

17. I might today hesitate to turn in a burglar.

18. I order the officers to turn in their weapons

19. Would you like some tea before you turn in?

20. My father would turn in his grave if he knew.

21. Now we wait for them to turn in their essays.

22. Remind publishers to turn in field service reports for November.

23. Rudy could have until Monday to turn in his sonnet.

24. The Nabbanai Imperium had begun to turn in on itself.

25. Remind publishers to turn in field service reports for January.

26. Events took a dramatic turn in the weeks that followed.

27. They must also turn in cell phones, belts, blades, razors...

28. Remind publishers to turn in field service reports for September.

29. 19 I might today hesitate to turn in a burglar.

30. Remind publishers to turn in their field service reports for November.

31. Encourage all publishers to turn in field service reports for December.

32. Cut the pastry into a square and turn in the corners.

33. Mitterrand made a decisive U-turn in 1983 and cut government spending.

34. 31 Do you sometimes forget to turn in your field service report?

35. Both companies turn in pre-tax profits of over 5 million annually.

36. The tarsier’s eyes cannot turn in their sockets; they always stare straight ahead.

37. A U-turn in Moscow is even more illegal than a left turn.

38. Befiddle They operate by consensus to continue where they light you turn in

39. The parish priest is someone to whom people can turn in difficult times.

40. We could do a turn in a story that was literally a turn.

41. The star turn in our show tonight will be a group of Chinese acrobats.

42. I went back to the station-house to turn in my badge and gun.

43. But I do know that we're asking him to turn in his own brother.

44. The taxicab moved off slowly, making a wide turn in front of Trinity College.

45. He has been a nimble chameleon, bending with every turn in Whitehall attitudes to education.

46. James is so mercenary that he'd turn in his own mother for the reward money.

47. Work-inhibited students display poor penmanship and generally turn in sloppy-looking and disorganized paperwork.

48. Now is the time of year when thoughts turn in the direction of summer holidays.

49. October brought a benevolent turn in the weather, and the grapes that survived September thrived.

50. After the game, Hicks would brew a pot of verbena tea and turn in early.

51. Stagecoach took another turn in 1998, when it purchased Scotland's Prestwick Airport for £41 million.

52. 28 The first turn in the tide came when France discovered how to make plate glass.

53. The Prime Minister did/made a quick U-turn in response to all the adverse publicity.

54. He spun the wheel sharply and made a U turn in the middle of the road.

55. October brought a Benevolent turn in the weather and the grapes that survived September thrived: 17.

56. (Matthew 22:37-39) Sadly, though, not all children take their turn in becoming responsible adults.

57. Countable noun A Crank is a device that you turn in order to make something move

58. Find out if you’ll need to turn in any Additional forms when you file your disability claim

59. Next it was Nixon's turn in the Tranmere goal to pull off a spectacular save from Mitchell.

60. You can't go out dressed like that. It's enough to make your grandmother turn in her grave!

61. The missionaries take their turn in the operation of the home by shopping, preparing meals, and cleaning.

62. Some religious leaders are now doing a 180- degree turn in their thinking about gambling being sinful.

63. Be sure to turn in your field service reports; if necessary, mail them to your congregation’s secretary.

64. Clyde and I planned to turn in the gold and collect the finder's fee from the treasury.

65. A dragging arabesque turn in modern dance drags the toe of one foot while spinning on the other.

66. Local announcements; accounts report; reminder to turn in field service reports this week, covering first half of month.

67. I heard the key turn in the front door and I was out of bed like a shot.

68. The rider is then joined by a group of horsemen whose mounts wheel and turn in perfect harmony.

69. With the Guild Battle standard (+15% rep) standing near the questgiver the Armament gives 90 rep each turn in

70. Jacinta is once again feeling rejected and persecuted when an unexpected turn in events brings about a happy denouement.

71. The investigation by Oracle of Microsoft's allies is the latest turn in the continuing rivalry between the two companies.

72. Bailiff: The bailiff moves either one or two spaces from his starting spot on every turn in the game.

73. Despite the urgent prodding from 416 and 007, Black becomes conflicted about whether to turn in the laptop as evidence

74. Fulfillment turn in Antipatriotically one another cheap rhinocort generic name finnmark because of uncomprehended polyparasitism; Caldwell, trimerous Here aside undersecretary

75. The two-way wash action Agitator and stainless steel washer drum turn in opposite directions, moving fabrics smoothly through the wash

76. Armful is a multi-armed skeleton monster and by having multiple extremities, it attacks several times per turn in each appearance.

77. Current projects focus on the politics of video games, Conceptualisms in art and literature, and the archival turn in Stein studies.

78. 200Following her star-making turn in Transformers, Fox tried out a retro bouffant for the GQ Men of the Year awards.

79. Presumably from a bawdy military joke, featuring a Barrel with a glory hole, whose punchline is “It’s your turn in the Barrel.”

80. Having Anteverted hips means that you are "pigeon toed," or born with hips that have more turn-in than turnout.