Use "tubercles" in a sentence

1. The tubercles are non-perforated.

2. All ribs show strong subspinose tubercles.

3. The horn is green with paler tubercles.

4. Some of them bear short fleshy tubercles or horns .

5. The oblique bands are formed by yellow or red tubercles.

6. Interspersed between them were numerous small and conical tubercles.

7. In Hemilepistus reaumuri the tubercles function as a digging device.

8. The tegument is thick, and covered with thick papillae and other tubercles.

9. Males develop minute nuptial tubercles on the head, nape and pectoral fin.

10. We've seen that the fins of this whale have tubercles on them.

11. The upper tentacles are long, the lower tentacles are very short, like tubercles.

12. It is probable that the tubercles may serve to maintain contact during the reproductive period.

13. Suillus pictus was consistently associated with tuberculate ectomycorrhizae (tubercles) on Pinus strobus in North Carolina.

14. As typical for non-feathered dinosaurs, the skin consisted of non-overlapping scales called tubercles.

15. Males exhibit nuptial body coloration and have tubercles on their anal and caudal fins.

16. The caterpillars are never hairy and do not also have fleshy processes or tubercles .

17. As the whale slices through the water, these tubercles increase lift and reduce drag.

18. Humeral tubercles are strongly reduced, sometimes forming a carina or absent, especially in smaller workers.

19. Some males have grotesquely shaped horns , spines and tubercles on various parts of their body .

20. • Hind feet have two prominent tubercles for digging, the inner one large, outer one small Tadpoles:

21. Normal development of penis occurs with the fusion of cloacal tubercles at anterior end of urogenital sinus.

22. The leading edge of its flippers is not smooth, like an aircraft’s wing, but serrated, with a row of protruding bumps called tubercles.

23. The leading edge of its flippers is not smooth, like an aircraft wing, but serrated, with a row of protruding bumps called tubercles.

24. Historically these fractures had been treated mainly conservatively, but today a more anatomic reduction is advocated particularly of the tubercles with early functional aftercare.

25. The journal Natural History explains that the tubercles make the water accelerate over the flipper in an organized rotating flow, even when the whale is rising at very steep angles.

26. The journal Natural History explains that the tubercles make the water accelerate over the flipper in an organized, rotating flow, even when the whale is rising at very steep angles.10

27. Common names for it are monkey-faced pansy, hot water plant (its tubercles refuse to sprout in the spring unless they are warm) and nut-orchid. Achimenes Plants “Older” Than African Violet

28. A cyclomorial platelet or 'tessera' is a polygonal element with a primordial tubercle (it can be situated Concentrically or eccentrically in relation to a geometric centre of a tessera), Concentrically surrounded by much smaller and simpler tubercles (Ibid., pp.

29. If TB bacteria gain entry to the blood stream from an area of damaged tissue, they can spread throughout the body and set up many foci of infection, all appearing as tiny, white tubercles in the tissues.

30. Caseous Sentence Examples The Caseous necrosis of the implicated mass of lung tissue, and indeed of tubercles generally, is held to be, in great measure, the result of the necrotic influence of the secretions from the bacillus. Caseous lymphadenitis (parotid lymph node affected).

31. (noun) in length; the body is depressed,, covered above with minute granules and tubercles; a distinct fold of skin extends from the Axilla to the groin, reminding of the similar fold of some Anguidae, to which this singular genus seems to be allied.

32. Unlike other large Zopherinae, Phellopsis (the only genus in its tribe) one species is strictly eastern (no intertuberculate setae on the hypomeron; lateral margin of pronotum strongly Bisinuate in lateral view; elytral punctures large, discal tubercles less than 1/4 diameter of

33. Its lateral border is thick and irregular, and presents three or four tubercles for the tendinous origins of the Deltoideus. Its medial border, shorter than the lateral, is concave, gives attachment to a portion of the Trapezius, and presents about its center a small, oval surface for articulation with the acromial end of the clavicle.

34. The Anterior scalene muscle (Latin: scalenus Anterior), lies deeply at the side of the neck, behind the sternocleidomastoid muscle.It arises from the Anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebrae, and descending, almost vertically, is inserted by a narrow, flat tendon into the scalene tubercle on the inner border of