Use "truncheons" in a sentence

1. 12 King braved police truncheons, and was assassinated because of his beliefs.

2. Synonyms for Blackthorns include sloes, cudgels, bludgeons, clubs, truncheons, batons, shillelaghs, stick, bats and billies

3. Other arms (for example, spring, air or gas guns and pistols, truncheons), excluding those of heading 9307

4. Video footage shot by villagers in Wukan showed people of all ages being chased and beaten with truncheons by riot police.

5. Civitella Casanova also has a large area of natural interest outside the city center, in the district Furnace, you can visit the Zoo Park, the Cliff, while to the north of the Hill truncheons, in Festina location at 790 metres (2,590 ft) above sea level there is a spring of sulphurous water , usually not easily recepibile and conducive to many cures for acne, arthritis, asthma-like bronchitis, catarrhal bronchitis, eczema seborrico, lymphatism eretistico, acute articular rheumatism, rinofaringo - chronic laryngitis, deafness .