Use "trudge" in a sentence

1. It was a hard trudge up the hill.

2. It was a long trudge up the hill.

3. It was a trudge up the hill.

4. The trudge through the forest will be tiresome.

5. They've set off for the long trudge home.

6. We were reluctant to start the long trudge home.

7. He could only trudge back into the narrow dark.

8. I'd had to trudge through the snow to get there.

9. We came back from our trudge across the moor wet and tired.

10. I had to trudge through the crowd to the sixth car.

11. Progress was slow as they had to trudge through deep mud.

12. We had to trudge up the track back to the station.

13. Fighting the wind, she begins the trudge back to ex-banker's bungalow.

14. When I trudge to the door, only Des comes to let me out.

15. And we trudge through the winter and into the spring of the first bombing year.

16. I trudge up the High Street and pay no attention at first to the sirens.

17. Synonyms for Clomp include clump, galumph, stamp, trudge, clop, clunk, lumber, plod, stomp and tramp

18. He snorted, and during the rest of that weary trudge addressed his remarks exclusively to Mole.

19. Synonyms for walk Clumsily include lumber, plod, shamble, shuffle, stumble, trudge, clump, stump, galumph and stamp

20. Their life had become a never-ending trudge to keep the Looms of the necromancer weaving dreadful enchantments.

21. The latest law is only one step in the slow trudge China is making out of the blind alley of Maoism.

22. I have to admit grudgingly that this is interesting, and I trudge up the path with Tony just behind.

23. At the end of the game, no noise, just a silent trudge to the waiting busses and cars.

24. 5 Watching Ferdinand trudge off dejectedly at the end, it was hard not to feel sorry for him.

25. Stressed holiday shoppers lugging Armloads of bags trudge from store to store and mall to mall, from Grand Junction to Greeley

26. Abandon wait for taxi, hoist bags over shoulder and trudge to site where minivans transport officials and persuasive hangers-on to tournament.

27. Aspiring Light is a slice of life kinetic visual novel, exploring the minds of our characters as they trudge through their monotonous school lives

28. Glacier Sorbet, Ecuador.Locals who live near the Chimborazo volcano trudge up to the summit regularly to cut off 50 kg blocks of glacier ice.

29. 27 We have finally been moved by the snow, and started to charge forward instead of plain walking, to trudge instead of easy going, and to slide instead of fixing.

30. For long stretches of film, the men and women and oxen simply trudge across the barren plain, their only accompaniment the low rumble of wagon wheels and the sporadic Clatterings of pots.