Use "truckle" in a sentence

1. 11 synonyms for Brownnose: bootlick, cringe, fawn, grovel, kowtow, slaver, toady, truckle, apple

2. As maids call medlars when they laugh alone. -- Romeo, good night. -- I'll to my truckle- bed;

3. Rattled, he fell back on to the truckle-bed in a welter of trousers.

4. Blandished definition: praise somewhat dishonestly synonyms: kowtow, praise, toady, truckle, bootlick, fawn, adulate, flatter, brown-nose, stroke, kotow, soft

5. How is the word Cower distinct from other similar verbs? Some common synonyms of Cower are cringe, fawn, toady, and truckle