Use "trophoblast" in a sentence

1. TROPHOBLAST cells must play a significant role in the movement of solute and water into the Blastocoele 1.The epithelial trophoblast (Fig

2. Blastocoel is surrounded by single cell layer known as trophoblast or trophectoderm

3. Blastocysts are made of of two clearly identifiable parts: Trophoblast

4. Treatment of cells with the TLR-4 agonist, LPS, did not reduce trophoblast cell viability.

5. TROPHOBLAST cells must play a significant role in the movement of solute and water into the Blastocoele 1

6. Choriocarcinoma Definition A Choriocarcinoma is type of cancer germ cell containing trophoblast cells

7. Choriocarcinoma Definition A Choriocarcinoma is type of cancer germ cell containing trophoblast cells

8. The outer layer of the blastocyst consists of cells collectively called the trophoblast.

9. Choriocarcinoma definition is - a malignant tumor typically developing in the uterus from the trophoblast.

10. Human pluripotent and trophoblast stem cells have been essential alternatives to Blastocysts for understanding early human development …

11. They have different forms: areas of vascularized trophoblast in early pregnancy, small irregular Areolae, vesicles and cysts

12. The trophoblast surrounds the inner cell mass and a fluid-filled, blastocyst cavity known as the Blastocoele or the blastocystic cavity

13. Choriocarcinoma is pathology-confirmed malignancy of the trophoblast cell of the placenta. Commonly, symptoms or test results can indicate Choriocarcinoma

14. The Blastocyst is the source material to derive embryonic stem (ES), trophoblast stem (TS), and extraembryonic endoderm (XEN) cell lines

15. Choriocarcinoma is a malignancy of placental origin. It is an aggressive form of cancer originating from the trophoblast cells in the placenta

16. Owl eye cells with CMV proteins were detected in nephrotubular, alveolar, and trophoblast cells of the placenta, bile duct epithelia, and hepatocytes.

17. The blastocyst consists of cells forming an outer trophectoderm (TE, trophoblast) layer, an inner cell mass (ICM, embryo blast) and a Blastocoel (fluid-filled cavity)

18. A Choriocarcinoma is a malignant tumor that forms from trophoblast cells and spreads to the muscle layer of the uterus and nearby blood vessels

19. The Binucleate trophoblast giant cells (BNC) of the water buffalo, Bubalus bubalis, placenta were studied, with emphasis on the synthesis of BNC-specific proteins

20. A Blastocyst is shaped sort of like a hollow ball with three different components: The outer trophoblast layer (later known as the trophectoderm), which will become part of the

21. An immature stage in cellular development before appearance of the definitive characteristics of the cell; used also as a word termination, as in ameloBlast and trophoBlast

22. Blastocyst A pre-implantation embryo consisting of a thin-walled hollow sphere of 16–40 cells, which appears in early mammalian development, the wall of which is the trophoblast

23. The differentiation of the placental barrier begins on the 9th day of gestation by the establishment of contact between the chorionic trophoblast and the allantoic mesoderm.

24. A Blastocyst is a fertilized egg that has developed for 5-6 days and contains 3 distinct features including a fluid-filled cavity trophectoderm/trophoblast (T) cells, and an inner cell mass (ICM)

25. Chorion laeve: [ kor´e-on ] an extraembryonic fetal membrane, composed of trophoblast lined with mesoderm; it develops villi, becomes vascularized, and forms the fetal part of the placenta

26. Blastocyst A pre-implantation embryo consisting of a thin-walled hollow sphere of 16–40 cells, which appears in early mammalian development, the wall of which is the trophoblast. The embryo proper corresponds to a mass of cells at one side, which is equivalent to the blastula

27. Human Blastocyst (day 5) (Greek, blastos = sprout + cystos = cavity) or blastula, the term used to describe the hollow cellular mass that forms in early development. The Blastocyst consists of cells forming an outer trophectoderm (TE, trophoblast) layer, an inner cell mass (ICM, embryo blast) and a blastocoel (fluid-filled cavity).

28. Blastosphere definition: early stage of an embryo produced by cleavage of an ovum; a liquid-filled sphere whose wall is composed of a single layer of cells; during this stage (about eight days after fertilization) implantation in the wall of the uterus occurs synonyms: conceptus, blastodermic vessicle, cleavage cavity, trophoblast, embryo, blastocoel, blastula, blastocoele, blastocele

29. The main difference between blastula and Blastocyst is that blastula is the early form of the embryonic development of animals whereas Blastocyst is the blastula of mammals.Furthermore, blastula is characterized by the presence of a spherical layer of cells filled with fluid while Blastocyst is lined by a layer of trophoblast cells and it contains an inner cell mass at one end and the fluid