Use "trod" in a sentence

1. She was trod to death.

2. "Those Arduous paths they trod." ***

3. Few people had trod this path before.

4. Trod on a scorpion fish.

5. He trod on my toes.

6. There's mud trod into the carpet.

7. He accidentally trod on her foot.

8. The cattle trod the chemical in.

9. The serf was trod to death.

10. Clinton trod on to murky terrain.

11. He trod the golden beetle underfoot.

12. I trod on his foot by accident.

13. 2 He trod the golden beetle underfoot.

14. 15 The black ox has trod on her foot.

15. 4 He carelessly trod the lady beetle underfoot.

16. Trod annual go through number history ampere?

17. She trod barefoot on the soft grass.

18. We trod carefully over the icy cobblestones.

19. David trod wearily along behind the others.

20. He carelessly trod the lady beetle underfoot.

21. I accidentally trod on the dog's foot and it yelped.

22. The black ox has trod on his foot. 

23. The black ox has trod on her foot.

24. Die-hard trod-jazz fans won't be happy.

25. He trod heavily and reluctantly up the stairs.

26. The twigs crackled as we trod on them.

27. 3 The black ox has trod on his foot. 

28. Somebody in full flight trod heavily on his finger.

29. Ouch! That was my toe you just trod on.

30. She trod gingerly. It would be risky to hurry.

31. It really hurt when Mark trod on my foot.

32. Every morning he trod the same street to school.

33. She planted the seeds and trod the earth down.

34. The dog gave a yelp when I trod on its paw.

35. He danced up and down when he trod on the nail.

36. She trod lightly so as not to wake the baby.

37. Every day he trod the same path through the woods.

38. Mother trod softly so as not to wake the baby.

39. Mr Collins trod on my frock and tore it you know.

40. With my inexperience and Yorkshire frankness, I sometimes trod on toes.

41. That man trod on my foot and he didn't even apologize.

42. I trod on the moist snow and felt myself sinking into Nirvana.

43. In their eyes, the very ground on which he trod was sanctified.

44. Synonyms for Ambulated include walked, trod, tread, trodden, stepped, stept, traipsed, padded, paced and ambled

45. Thrusting spires, softened by time; vaulted cloisters floored with cobbles trod thin by genius.

46. She trod casually, enjoying the touch of the damp grass on her feet.

47. She got badly spiked when one of the runners trod on her heel.

48. Antonyms for Clomped include tiptoed, stole, stolen, sneaked, snuck, crept, creeped, glided, glid and trod

49. Yes, there were gateways here in this Castle, where midnight footsteps trod purposefully down the halls ... Footsteps.

50. Stetted Antiecclesiastically plus ours idolisers, stooled grumbling the ing direct prestamos personales simulacion well-trod self-gotten gantries

51. 12 They remember that they too trod a sated generation, with such clamour and with just scorn.

52. Moppet and Mittens walked down the garden path unsteadily. Presently they trod upon their pinafores and fell on their noses.

53. 23 Moppet and Mittens walked down the garden path unsteadily. Presently they trod upon their pinafores and fell on their noses.

54. THE RED YEAR LOUIS TRACY He could have struck his friend and partner to the earth, and trod him there to death, as he Confronted …

55. WE PHILOLOGISTS, VOLUME 8 (OF 18) FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE The tango and the turkey-trot had spread overseas, and royalties trod on Persis' toes as they Bungled the steps like yokels

56. He has trod its sacred aisles, solitary and alone from mankind, long before the king of day has gilded the eastern horizon; and he has uttered his aspirations within its walls, when nature has been asleep.

57. Marino trod on the toes of too many vested interests who didn't want to give up their privileges, they Boycotted him and, without the need for any plot or alliance, they managed to bring him down

58. 1989, Keith Bosley, translating Elias Lönnrot, The Kalevala, XVII: The mother sought the one gone / astray, for the lost she longs: / she ran great swamps as a wolf / trod the wilds as a Bruin / waters as an otter roamed […].

59. He will appear innocent, cheerful, polite, attentive, kind, obliging, and Abjectly condescending; but let him once get you into his power and he becomes more ferocious, more cruel, and more destructive than the most savage animals that ever trod in deserts uninhabited by rational beings.

60. I trod along by the dark, sluggish river, and remember pausing on the bank, above one of its blackest and most placid pools—(the very spot, with the barkless stump of a tree Aslantwise over the water, is depicting itself to my fancy, at this instant)—and wondering how deep it was, and if any overladen soul had ever flung its weight of

61. I trod along by the dark, sluggish river, and remember pausing on the bank, above one of its blackest and most placid pools (the very spot, with the barkless stump of a tree Aslantwise over the water, is depicting itself to my fancy at this instant), and wondering how deep it was, and if any overladen soul had ever flung its weight of mortality

62. I trod along by the dark, sluggish river, and remember pausing on the bank, above one of its blackest and most placid pools (the very spot, with the barkless stump of a tree Aslantwise over the water, is depicting itself to my fancy at this instant), and wondering how deep it was, and if any overladen soul had ever flung its weight of mortality