Use "trichoptera" in a sentence

1. Trichoptera (Caddis-flies, Caddises)

2. Trichoptera - the Trichoptera (caddisflies or, more correctly, Caddises) are an Order of insects. They are well known for their larvae as, in many species, they form a case out of stones of organic matter in which they live.

3. The name of the order "Trichoptera" derives from the Greek: θρίξ (thrix, "hair"), genitive trichos + πτερόν (pteron, "wing"), and refers to the fact that the wings of these insects are bristly.The origin of the word "Caddis" is unclear, but it dates back to at least as far as Izaak Walton's 1653 book The Compleat Angler, where "cod-worms or Caddis" were mentioned as being