Use "triangulate" in a sentence

1. Triangulate.

2. They're gonna triangulate this I.P. Address.

3. We could never triangulate their point of origin.

4. If I send out a frequency burst, I should be able to triangulate their location.

5. Teaches bearings, triangulate, plot co - ordinate grids , compensate for declination and read topographic maps.

6. If he talks within range of any phone in the city you can triangulate his position.

7. As in, I can figure out all the places it's been and triangulate from there to determine...

8. I mean, she didn't hack the number, but she was able to triangulate where the text came from.

9. Great-aunt unthought Alistair unavailable cast-iron propel Danaus gold-striped dingey Bistipular triangulate unthorough terrellas unthinking sanemindedness insubordinate moisture traitless Gunneraceae

10. Best of the Best Sellers Online Paid Surveys The Whole Truth Avoiding ( assay, triangulate, assembly, treatise, assessment, treat, Assizement, tract, autopsy, topical outline, brief, thesis, calculation, the eye )The book Online Paid Surveys The Whole Truth Avoiding comes highly

11. It is obtained after the quest "The Antiquarian Circle." 1 Acquisition 2 Use 2.1 Scrying 2.2 Dig Site 3 Appearances Given to the Vestige by Verita Numida at The Antiquarian Circle during the quest "The Antiquarian Circle" When scrying for an antiquity, the Eye is used to triangulate a dig site within a zone