Use "trespassers" in a sentence

1. No trespassers allowed -- eh, what? young Cockalorum.

2. The scholars got this special room where they deal with trespassers.

3. Gastroperiodynia regulation nonhepatic Coetaneously undiscernibly pyrolignous trespassers uneffective

4. The leopards are considered to be unwanted trespassers by villagers.

5. I think three little trespassers met the vengeful blade of the tribe.

6. Briney, on or about June 11, 1967, which fact was known only by them, to protect household goods from trespassers and thieves

7. In December 2016, an emergency order was published prohibiting people from going on the arch, trespassers facing a fine of €1500.

8. Suppose an ex post facto law makes it a criminal offense to shoot unarmed trespassers on one's property for any reason whatsoever.

9. Another drug might incapacitate the mechanisms the bacteria use to divert lipids from the host cell to the chlamydial vacuole, halting the trespassers' ability to hide.

10. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is an ancient breed originating in Eastern Europe’s Kavkaz, or Caucasus, mountain range, where he was used for guarding and protecting herds, flocks and villages from predators and trespassers

11. When, in act 1, Lyly's Erisichthon encounters Ceres's nymphs celebrating a harvest holiday at the foot of the goddess's sacred tree, this ' Contemner of the gods' sounds not unlike an irate landlord apprehending illegal trespassers on his land

12. Suppose 'Cayenne Pepper,' as we call the captain that commanded the 'Cayenne' at Grey Town, was to come to a port in Nova Scotia, and pepper it for insultin' our flag by Apprehenden trespassers (though how a constable is to arrest a crew of twenty men unless, Irishman like, he surrounds them, is …