Use "trematode" in a sentence

1. Trematode Metorchis conjunctus can also infect muskrats.

2. Acetabulum definition is - a ventral sucker of a trematode

3. Alaria is a genus of trematode intestinal parasites found in carnivores (Fig

4. Thus, the direct impact of the two trematode species on their cockle hosts has Cascading …

5. Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease historically known as Bilharzia caused by the trematode of the genus Schistosoma

6. Bucephalus ("ox head") is the genus name for many trematode flatworms that are parasites of molluscs and fish

7. Bilharziasis (bĭl'härzī`əsĭs), or snail fever, parasitic disease caused by blood flukes, trematode worms of the genus Schistosoma

8. Bilharziasis: see schistosomiasis schistosomiasis, Bilharziasis, or snail fever, parasitic disease caused by blood flukes, trematode worms of the genus Schistosoma

9. Rainwater fish, the client species, were found to carry the trematode ectoparasite,Gyrodactylus, which were apparently Browzed by the stickleback, the cleaner species

10. Schistosomiasis (also referred to as Bilharzia or snail fever) is the result of infection by blood fluke (trematode worm) of the Schistosoma species

11. Seven trematode, three nematode, two cestode, one acanthocephalan, one protozoan, and three acarina species were recovered from 171 muskrats (Ondatra zibethica) taken in Manitoba.

12. Definition of Alaria (Entry 2 of 2) : a genus of trematode worms (family Strigeidae) that is parasitic as adults in the intestines of carnivorous mammals but requires …

13. Cestodes, including Tetrabothrius laccocephalus, Tetrabothrius diomedea, Tetrabothrius filiformis, and metacestodes of Tetrabothrius sp., a strigeid trematode, Cardiocephaloides physalis, and an acanthocephalan, Corynosoma australe, occurred in the small intestine.

14. Now, a single trematode is tiny, microscopic, but collectively they weighed as much as all the fish in the estuaries and three to nine times more than all the birds.

15. Examination of three species of Batfishes (Teleostei: Epphippidae) from off Lizard and Heron Islands on the Great Barrier Reef led to the discovery of specimens of the trematode genus Paradiscogaster Yamaguti, 1934 (Digenea: Faustulidae)

16. Schistosomiasis, or Bilharzia, is a common intravascular infection caused by parasitic Schistosoma trematode worms It is prevalent in Africa, the Middle East, South America, and Asia Acute schistosomiasis, or Katayama syndrome, can present as fever, malaise The intestinal worms produce a wide range of symptoms including diarrhoea and abdominal pain, general malaise, and weakness.