Use "trebled" in a sentence

1. The newspaper's circulation has trebled since last year.

2. Some goods have almost trebled in price.

3. He trebled his earnings in two years.

4. TRIPLE Cases of food poisoning have trebled in the last two years.

5. He's trebled his crop income, more food for the family and more money for the family.

6. The number of employees in the company has trebled over the past decade.

7. Production even on the smallest holdings had trebled and the work load had soared.

8. Encouraged by a successful crop in 1847, farmers trebled the acreage of potato planting in 1848.

9. The Bench of Boors - In bed I muse on Teniers’ Boors, O Pride of the days in prime of the months Now trebled in great renown, When before the ark of our holy cause Fell Dagon down- Dagon foredoomed, who, armed and targed, Never his impious heart enlarged Beyond that hour; God walled his power, And there the last invader charged.