Use "transfusions" in a sentence

1. I gave her three transfusions.

2. Blood transfusions are commonly administered.

3. The treatment for PRCA is blood transfusions.

4. For cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx, and nose or sinus, the recurrence rate was 31% without transfusions and 71% with transfusions.”

5. Some communities condone abortion, blood transfusions, homosexuality, or polygamy.

6. (5) What are the medical risks associated with blood transfusions?

7. 8 It'seems keener on blood transfusions than on bloodletting.

8. They do not suffer from complications that often accompany transfusions.

9. What moves Jehovah’s Witnesses to refuse to accept blood transfusions?

10. Sadly, the judge authorized transfusions, commenting: “(H)is refusal to consent to blood transfusions is not based upon a mature understanding of his own religious beliefs.”

11. The disease is also linked to blood transfusions and blood products.

12. In addition, babies with severe jaundice also need regular blood transfusions.

13. (4) Why is it rational and responsible to reject blood transfusions?

14. Since transfusions became customary, ‘most large studies report a 10-percent mortality.’

15. “Approximately 1 in 100 transfusions are accompanied by fever, chills, or urticaria [hives]. . . .

16. Subsequent embolectomy followed by fresh frozen plasma (FFP) transfusions prevented further thromboembolism.

17. Allogeneic blood transfusions increased the risk for postoperative hematoma, infection, and cardiovascular complication.

18. Christians refuse transfusions of whole blood or of any of its four main parts.

19. In some cases, blood transfusions can actually prevent the activation of natural immune responses.

20. They too refuse transfusions of whole blood, red cells, white cells, platelets, or plasma.

21. Medications may be used to decrease blood pressure and blood transfusions may be required.

22. Approximately 1 in 6,000 red cell transfusions results in a hemolytic transfusion reaction.

23. Another charge stated that by not accepting blood transfusions, Jehovah’s Witnesses damage the health of believers.

24. Witnesses do not accept transfusions of whole blood, red cells, white cells, platelets, or blood plasma.

25. Cesare Buresta, discussed the results of over 240 surgical operations successfully carried out without blood transfusions.

26. She also explained our hope for the future and why we do not accept blood transfusions.

27. It is well known that for religious reasons Jehovah’s Witnesses do not accept blood transfusions.

28. 9 This “abstaining” logically extends to our not taking human blood into our bodies through transfusions.

29. He then added: “Some specialty hospitals have for decades been doing major cardiovascular operations without blood transfusions. . . .

30. In case of persistent ACD, red blood cell transfusions, erythropoietin, and intravenous iron are used therapeutically.

31. Such therapies are not transfusions of those primary components; they usually involve parts or fractions thereof.

32. 7 This principle has been flagrantly violated in Christendom by the practice of administering blood transfusions.

33. She is first seen in the series acting as Saya's doctor and supervising Saya's blood transfusions.

34. JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES stand out as unique and often receive bad publicity because of their not accepting blood transfusions.

35. Today, many people realize the practical wisdom of rejecting blood transfusions and are doing so in growing numbers.

36. Blood transfusions are commonly given to anemic premature babies, whose organs have difficulty producing sufficient red blood cells.

37. That's why our Bloodless surgery program exists — to provide medical care without blood transfusions to all appropriate patients.

38. Blood typing made easy with explanation on ABO Blood groups and Rh factor for nurses (blood transfusions)

39. Before my surgery it was the hospital’s policy to turn people away if they would not accept blood transfusions.

40. She was successfully treated . . . [with] high inspired oxygen concentrations and transfusions of large volumes of gelatin solution [Haemaccel].”

41. We accept the kind of transfusions that don’t carry the risk of such things as AIDS, hepatitis, and malaria.

42. Blood transfusions would transmit syphilis, except that blood-screening programs test all donated blood for evidence of the disease.

43. Many AIDS sufferers contracted the disease through promiscuous sexual activity, contaminated syringes used by drug addicts, or tainted blood transfusions.

44. Although a new and growing field in medicine, placental blood transfusions have proved effective in combating leukemia and other cancers.

45. Transfusions and an aggressive treatment with antiviral agents have resulted in a steady but gradual improvement in Agent Mulder's condition.

46. However, blood transfusions have side effects such as AIDS, the risk of viral infections such as hepatitis C, and allergies.

47. As the problems related to blood transfusions continue and public demand for alternatives increases, the future of bloodless surgery seems bright.

48. Even though Jehovah’s Witnesses told doctors that they had no religious objection to alternative treatment, rejecting blood transfusions was not easy.

49. Homologous, or more correctly Allogenic, blood transfusions involves someone collecting and infusing the blood of a compatible donor into him/herself.

50. The second subcategory of blood-to-blood contact is transmission by receipt of contaminated blood transfusions or of contaminated blood products.

51. Infection with the hepatitis-C virus can be deadly and is most often transmitted through blood transfusions and intravenous drug use.

52. Blood transfusions have infected countless thousands with hepatitis and diseases like the often-fatal virus that Pope John Paul II received.

53. 18 Filtered blood is widely used to treat recurrent non-haemolytic febrile reactions in patients who depend on regular blood transfusions.

54. (Later, we hope to provide more details on handling problems that arise when infants and children are threatened with transfusions.)

55. For example, we do not accept blood transfusions, because the Bible forbids taking in blood. —Acts 15:20, 28, 29.

56. He also stated: “Soon, blood transfusions will go down in history as one of the biggest aberrations and mistakes of modern medicine.”

57. Trying to comfort us, the doctor said that a fairly successful treatment could be administered, involving chemotherapy along with several blood transfusions.

58. It also means not accepting transfusions of any of the four main parts of blood —red cells, white cells, platelets, and plasma.

59. Frequently the veins of the extremities are unsuitable for massive intra-operative transfusion. In addition, peripheral transfusions are often accompanied by venous spasm.

60. By using component transfusions, physicians could spread donated blood to more patients, perhaps plasma to one injured man and red cells to another.

61. At the same time, I saw many victims of serious accidents, and I was saddened when they died because of having received blood transfusions.

62. With his improved techniques and advanced instruments—and his insistence that only human blood should be used—Blundell brought blood transfusions back into the limelight.

63. In 1994 the German public was aghast when they learned that some 2,500 persons had been infected with HIV through blood transfusions and blood products.

64. The Cecil-Loeb Textbook of Medicine estimates that in the United States “at least 120,000” recognizable adverse reactions to blood transfusions can be expected annually.

65. “We have learned that blood transfusions often pass along diseases, especially hepatitis,” says Sharon Vernon, director of the Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery at St.

66. In the light of these adverse results the article said further: “Exchange transfusions seem to be on their way out as far as pediatricians are concerned.”

67. Bloodless surgery General surgery Minimally invasive surgery Plastic & reconstructive surgery Surgery Medical care without transfusions Legacy respects the religious and personal beliefs of everyone

68. He cited such issues as the Witnesses’ refusal to celebrate certain holidays common in his land and their abstention from blood transfusions. —Acts 15:28, 29.

69. Bloodless Program offers a team approach to health care that eliminates the use of blood transfusions, even in a life-threatening situation.All areas of patient care are involved

70. Think of the wastage of other hundreds of thousands of pints in the cases in which the transfusions produced fatal aftereffects that sooner or later brought on death!

71. Considering the above, it is hardly surprising that a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that “an estimated 66 percent of transfusions are administered inappropriately.”

72. (Acts 15:20) Thus, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not accept transfusions of whole blood or the four primary components of blood —namely, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.

73. No patient ID bands were used at bedside checks, and addressograph cards and anesthetic records were used in place of the ID band in 97.4% and 2.6% of transfusions, respectively.

74. (Acts 15:28, 29) Out of respect for the sanctity of life, godly people do not accept blood transfusions, even if others insist that such a procedure would be lifesaving.

75. Chromic catgut compared with polyglactin 910 (Vicryl) resulted in a significant reduction in blood transfusions as well as a significant reduction in complications requiring relaparotomy in one trial (RCT, n=9544)

76. Doctors in Japan have confirmed that within a month of receiving blood transfusions, patients became infected with the hepatitis G virus, a new strain identified in 1995 in the United States.

77. The team concluded that EPO increases Hb levels in children with anemia, reduces their need for transfusions and improves the quality of life in those who have an increase in Hb.

78. After an evidence presentation, the British government launched an inquiry into the possibility that the human form of mad cow disease could be spread by procedures such as blood transfusions.

79. So Jehovah’s Witnesses do not accept transfusions of donor blood; nor do they permit their own blood to be withdrawn, stored and later transfused back into their veins. —Acts 15:28, 29.

80. In travellers, HBV can be transmitted through sexual contact, use of unsterile equipment during medical or dental care, tattooing, body piercing, acupuncture, receipt of blood transfusions or injection drug use(1,6,37,38).