Use "transcendental" in a sentence

1. But let us look directly at Quine's discussions of transcendental arguments and transcendental reflection.

2. Collectedness is of two kinds, worldly and transcendental.

3. Any non-constant algebraic function of a single variable yields a transcendental value when applied to a transcendental argument.

4. Ameliorate Records Transcendental Sounds from the Hoosier Heartland

5. Almonds are one thing, but toasted Almonds are transcendental

6. The practical and pragmatic gainsay the Utopian and transcendental.

7. Transcendental Philosophy is only the idea of a science.

8. In the supreme effulgent sheath rests the stainless , transcendental Brahman .

9. To make it objective, transcendental philosophy must be expanded.

10. The term "transcendental philosophy"usually refers to Kant's epistemology.

11. We do not have to adduce this experience of the transcendental.

12. The film has equal parts personal portrait, historical chronicle, and transcendental rumination.

13. Gazing at that majestic painting was for me an almost transcendental experience.

14. It is also an example of a theory that is superstable but not totally transcendental.

15. So he puts forward cognitive anthropology in order to transform Kant's transcendental philosophy.

16. A court ruled similarly on the inclusion of Transcendental Meditation in the curriculum.

17. The theory of antinomy, however, is the most important part in the transcendental logic.

18. The article denotes that the previous philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein is essentially transcendental metaphysics.

19. Florid and openhanded colors, excellent and transcendental quality. Deduct modem people feelings advocating the nature.

20. Transcendental meditation, a close adjunct of yoga, has been popularized by film stars and rock musicians.

21. It is not known whether Khinchin's constant is a rational, algebraic irrational or transcendental number.

22. In mathematics, the analytic subgroup theorem is a significant result in modern transcendental number theory.

23. But, though this unity must be laid down as the basis of knowledge, it is absolute and transcendental.

24. A transcendental number whose value is the ratio high on any circumference to its diameter.

25. Greer was trained as a Transcendental Meditation teacher and served as director of a meditation organization.

26. However, as the title of the picture reveals, Weber's connection to cubism was via the transcendental.

27. Hence the highest realization of the Vaishnava draws close to the transcendental experience of the Vedantist.

28. The numbers π and e are not algebraic numbers (see the Lindemann–Weierstrass theorem); hence they are transcendental.

29. The ‘Transcendental Unity of Apperception’ now becomes a logical constraint on what kinds of experience are possible

30. The study found that transcendental meditation was twice as effective as muscle relaxation in reducing blood pressure.

31. And during these nine minutes of transcendental improvisation, every note falls magically into Platonic patterns of perfection.

32. Therefore, I was excited to obtain His Divine Grace's prasadam thread and resume my transcendental Brahmana connection.

33. Human craft too, they prophesied, would pass through all these forms on their way to the ultimate, transcendental spaceship.

34. Analytic philosophy transcends subjective philosophy in a certain extent through emphasizing meaning of proposition and changing Kant's transcendental category in semasiology.

35. Transcendental Meditation has never acquired the reputation of a sinister cult, but doubts are sometimes voiced about it.

36. To sum up, the Yezidis' Conception of a personal God is transcendental and static of the extreme type

37. It is the object of those paths and their fruition. It is excellent, transcendental (lokuttara), uncreated and free from lust.

38. In addition, Euler elaborated the theory of higher transcendental functions by introducing the gamma function and introduced a new method for solving quartic equations.

39. For example, the experience of "passing of time" relies on this transcendental unity of Apperception, according to Kant.

40. Animality in Lacan and Derrida: The Deconstruction of the Other transcendental empirical divide is one of the pair of opposites Derrida aims to decon- struct

41. Eliminating other parameters of material in the four equations, the transcendental equation for solving the endurance limit of fatigue is achieved.

42. But this does not alter the fact that there is an issue between Eckhart and Snyder, between incarnation and transcendental release.

43. Concentrative meditation, such as transcendental meditation (TM), focuses on a single image, sound, or mantra (words spoken or sung in a pattern), or on your own breathing

44. But the occidental advocate duality, in their opinion, ideal life and true life may be self-existent. This mode of life possess intensitying transcendental consciousness.

45. The theory of" life-world" is a way of transcendental reduction, which is also used to overcome the crisis of the solipsism in Husserl's phenomenology.

46. At that time the soul can see himself to be transcendental to material existence and always self- effulgent , never fragmented, although very minute in size.

47. A follow-up study that looks at the long-term effects of transcendental meditation and muscle relaxation is expected to be completed in August.

48. However, an algebraic function of several variables may yield an algebraic number when applied to transcendental numbers if these numbers are not algebraically independent.

49. Enterpriser who pursue the excellence will use a more transcendental confidence , courage and resource to face the daedal challenge, compose the enterprise's new chapter.

50. Arica trainings open the path toward spiritual and transcendental knowledge by clarifying one’s process, culminating in the attainment of a higher state of happiness, equilibrium …

51. Schanuel's conjecture would solve the first of these problems somewhat as it deals with algebraic independence and would indeed confirm that e+π is transcendental.

52. As if the two forms of reason, scientific and juridical, started out by analyzing or carving up an existential and categorical Earth, fundamental, transcendental, Archradical

53. The scherzi are sparkling and transcendental, while the Ballades are like old stories told to friends—and el Bacha is a generous guide to them all

54. Allures is a spectacular sequence of moving figures and points, a film which reaches out to the cosmic and the spiritual, where the spatial dimension becomes transcendental.

55. Almost all the functions that we obtained from the basic algebraic and arithmetic operations and the elementary transcendental functions are Analytic in every point on their domain

56. A simple noniterative method for the numerical determination of one simple root of a nonlinear differentiable algebraic or transcendental function along a finite real interval is proposed.

57. A major problem in transcendence theory is showing that a particular set of numbers is algebraically independent rather than just showing that individual elements are transcendental.

58. Alex Wilkie also proved that there exist transcendental functions for which first-order-logic proofs about their transcendence do not exist by providing an exemplary analytic function.

59. Transcendental Apperception is the uniting and building of coherent consciousness out of different elementary inner experiences (differing in both time and topic, but all belonging to self-consciousness)

60. As such, they should be seen as the complement to Foucault’s description, in Les mots et les choses (1963), of “Man” as an amphibological combination of transcendental and empirical components.

61. During 1858 he solved the equation of the fifth degree by elliptic functions; and during 1873 he proved e, the base of the natural system of logarithms, to be transcendental.

62. The whole Architectonic, or system, of metaphysics thus consists of four main parts: Ontology (Transcendental Philosophy).; Rational Physiology (Physical Physiology).; Rational Cosmology (Hyperphysical Physiology).; Rational Theology (Metaphysics of Morals).

63. There are many countable algebraically closed fields within the complex numbers, and strictly containing the field of algebraic numbers; these are the algebraic closures of transcendental extensions of the rational numbers, e.g. the algebraic closure of Q(π).

64. On the contrary, the entire problem of regions as composite or amphibological models of transcendental and empirical, cognitive and social, levels is only further multiplied by the essentially epidemic nature of postmodern sociality and knowledge.

65. He surfs between psychedelic, pop culture, the afterworld, circular, transcendental, and fictional universes, putting them into perspective so that what is described as the ‘real world’, in various contexts, is recognized for its absurdity.

66. In 1972 he defended his thesis, titled Indépendance algébrique de nombres transcendants (Algebraic independence of transcendental numbers) and directed by Jean Fresnel, the University of Bordeaux, where he was research associate of CNRS in 1971–2.

67. Becomings Ian Pace is a pianist of long-established reputation, specialising in the farthest reaches of musical modernism and transcendental virtuosity, as well as a writer and musicologist focusing on issues of performance, music and society and the avant-garde.

68. The Trialectical Ascesis follows the same sequence or steps as the Divine Ascesis, but here the Ascesis is repeated, with the outcome of the second Ascesis culminating in the highest purity of the attainment of the Transcendental State of Theosis

69. Under certain analyticities, both integral equations in two leading adjacent regimes reduce to algebraic ones, while the integral equation in the rear regime becomes transcendental; the corresponding non-singular solutions can be expanded infinitely in terms of hypergeometric functions.

70. O termo “encarnação” engana um pouco, pois literalmente significa aquele que assume a “carne”, o que não é o caso dos Avataras de Deus – que vêm ao mundo material em Sua forma original, 100% transcendental.

71. 1781, Kant, "Critique of Pure Reason," from John Meiklejohn 1855 translation Without this reflection I should make a very unsafe use of these conceptions, and construct pretended synthetical propositions which critical reason cannot acknowledge and which are based solely upon a transcendental Amphiboly

72. In other poems, instead of a binding tension, Anthropomorphosis (the "pathetic fallacy") turns nature into transcendental kitsch and disturbs even a simple and self-sustaining clarity of image; or a first-person reference intrudes, as in the title poem, in simplistic identification with nature.

73. ‘There is even an Anteriority of the infinite to the finite, as the infinite is ‘a transcendental condition for the possibility of the finite’.’ ‘Everything in every mind has something in the external world standing in a relationship of Anteriority to it because humans are conceived and born through biological processes.’

74. Therein lies Land's solution to overcoming Kantian Anthropocentrism: transfigure death into the transcendental condition by which we judge every philosophy's claim to grasp the real as valid only to the extent that it acknowledges the death of itself as an organon of the conceptual: 'death is the impersonal subject of critique, and not an

75. State of Rajasthan and In GolakNath ' s case , the Supreme Court by a 6 : 5 majority reversed its earlier decisions and held that the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution were transcendental and immutable , that Art . 368 of the Constitution laid down only the procedure for amendment and did not give to Parliament any substantive power to amend the Constitution or any constituent power distinct or separate from its ordinary legislative power , that a Constitution Amendment Act was also law within the meaning of Art . 13 and as such Parliament could not take away or abridge the fundamental rights even through a Constitution Amendment Act passed under Art . 368 .

76. In the Golak Nath case , the Supreme Court by a 6 : 5 majority reversed its earlier decisions and held that the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution were transcendental and immutable , that article 368 of the Constitution laid down only the procedure for amendment and did not give to Parliament any substantive power to amend the Constitution or any constituent power distinct or separate from its ordinary legislative power , that a Constitution Amendment Act was also law within the meaning of article 13 and as such Parliament could not take away or abridge the fundamental rights even through a Constitution Amendment Act passed under article 368 .