Use "tradeoffs" in a sentence

1. Policy decisions are always exercises in the iffy math of social tradeoffs.

2. The algorithms perform better when they have the freedom to make tradeoffs in the portfolio.

3. Bioplastics are evolving rapidly, and so is the need for a nuanced understanding of Bioplastics’ chemistry, recovery options, unintended consequences, and environmental tradeoffs

4. This report helps transportation practitioners consider and make informed decisions about tradeoffs relating to the selection of Bikeway types and highlights linkages between the Bikeway selection process and the transportation planning process

5. This is despite the fact that virtually all forms of Altruism are associated with tradeoffs—some of enormous importance and sensitivity—and notwithstanding that examples of pathologies of Altruism abound.

6. The ones most suited for thoroughfares are generally the best Ascetically, and have the fewest noise/pollution/emergency vehicle tradeoffs but are generally also the most expensive and create least aggregate reduction in speed

7. Rational expectations means even though they're only buying one good and there are thousands in the economy they understand all the prices, and when they act they're taking into account all of the tradeoffs they could make.

8. An MLT-3 interface emits less electromagnetic interference and requires less bandwidth than most other binary or ternary interfaces that operate at the same bit rate (see PCM for discussion on bandwidth / quantization tradeoffs), such as Manchester code or Alternate Mark Inversion.

9. By Naomi Scheinerman, PhD The Biden-Harris Administration has a wonderful opportunity, particularly amidst a pandemic in which Bioethics questions and difficult tradeoffs are not in short supply, to resurrect a group tasked to advise the president on “bioethical issues arising from advances in biomedicine and related areas of science and technology.”