Use "touting" in a sentence

1. Right wing politicians touting the American Dream consistently advocate lower taxes.

2. Is he still touting about those unsavoury opinions of his?

3. But Liverpool were congratulated for their efforts to minimise touting from their 000 allocation.

4. Nokia is touting this feature as 'Bothie', a spin on the popular culture of selfies

5. When governments refuse to legislate, as in Britain, sport's organisers dream up complicated schemes to prevent touting.

6. His face , whiskered and bespectacled, stares down from billboards touting his speaking tours and best - selling books.

7. The poor chap is on his uppers, by all accounts, reduced to touting himself on the after-dinner circuit.

8. Instead of touting Kim Jong-suk as the quiet woman that she was, she became the heroine of the revolution.

9. With the federal deficit at $5 trillion, some voters are balking at politicians touting their record of bringing home the bacon.

10. Dell raised a kerfuffle with the Better Business Bureau's advertising division over a claim in a 2008 Apple commercial touting "the world's greenest family of notebooks."

11. Consequently the company is touting it as the first hub to support seamless migration from direct-attached to Token Ring-attached devices.

12. 30 It has the trappings of an election campaign in the United States,[] with slick television ads touting the candidates.

13. In 2007 Motorola used the Tuzki images to promote its Motorola Q9h smartphone in Asia, touting its Internet and instant messaging capabilities.

14. 16 Increasing your brainpower has been the subject of many an ad and infomercial touting herbs and other products designed to make you smarter for a price.

15. We've heard this kind of thing before, of course, when Intel was touting its 90nm process, so it's important not to get too carried away by Intel's Moore's law Boosterisms

16. Plastic Straws That Quickly Biodegrade in the Ocean? Not Quite, Scientists Say Companies are touting straws and bottles made from a plant-based plastic, but researchers say some claims are overstated

17. Several of his former outsized foes, including the giant moth-like creature Mothra, make comeback appearances in "Final Wars," which Toho is touting as its last Godzilla tale -- at least for now.

18. ‘Anna Bridled at the implication that she couldn't look after herself.’ ‘How she had Bridled at his unsavory opinion of her.’ ‘Almost alone among them, Morrissey Bridled at the credit he got.’ ‘Mexico's tequila makers Bridled at its touting of Tequiza's tequila base, claiming it was misleading.’

19. The conflicting interests of these touting gentlemen being of a nature to irritate their feelings, personal collisions took place; and the Commons was even scandalized by our principal inveigler (who had formerly been in the wine trade, and afterwards in the sworn Brokery line) walking about for some days with a black eye.