Use "total surface" in a sentence

1. Its total surface area was seven thousand square feet.

2. Ratio of terrestrial protected area to total surface area.

3. Number of people to be accommodated( ** ) Total surface area needed [sq. m.

4. Enter the most accurate total surface area available in hectares; decimal places can be used.

5. All Continents of the Earth together make up about one-third of the total surface of the planet

6. The volume of a 3-dimensional unit cube is 1 cubic unit, and its total surface area is 6 square units.

7. It covers a total surface area of 2,155 square kilometres in the territories of the Kherson, Zaporizhia, and the Dnipropetrovsk Oblasts of Ukraine.

8. There are approximately 700 million Alveoli in the lungs, covering a total surface area of about 70 m 2, which is a considerably larger surface area relative to volume

9. Aldebaran has a total surface area of 575,000,000 square kilometers and, with 30% land mass and 70% of the surface covered by water oceans, a total land area of 172,500,000 square km

10. Bumpiness (Bwnp.) = a description of the surface roughness of a log calculated by summing the total number of observations occupied by a bump, thus indicating the total surface length occupied by bumps

11. The property (126 claims and one mining concession with a total surface area of 5,655 hectares) now covers an area of 230km2with the addition to the west of the contiguous Amphi and Cadillac properties.

12. The Americas (or America) are lands in the Western Hemisphere that are also known as the New World.Comprising the continents of North America and South America, along with their associated islands, they cover 8.3% of the Earth's total surface area (28.4% of its land area).

13. ‘The same Collimator was used for both the BMIPP and the [sup.99m] Tc-MIBI studies.’ ‘In all cases the treatment light was delivered from a 690 nm diode laser system through a fiber optic Collimator to a 1 cm 2 spot on the tumor tissue, for a total surface irradiance of 200 mW / cm 2.’

14. ‘The same Collimator was used for both the BMIPP and the [sup.99m] Tc-MIBI studies.’ ‘In all cases the treatment light was delivered from a 690 nm diode laser system through a fiber optic Collimator to a 1 cm 2 spot on the tumor tissue, for a total surface irradiance of 200 mW / cm 2.’

15. Declare that, by proposing to carry out an afforestation project as a compensatory measure for the loss of the Puszcza Augustowska area, PLB 200002, over the area which is to be proposed as a site of Community [Importance] in accordance with Directive 92/43/EEC (‘Pojezierze Sejneńskie’, PLH 200007, of a total surface area of 7 456,9 ha), the Republic of Poland has infringed the provisions of Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora in the light of the judgments delivered by the Court in Cases C-117/03 Dragaggi and C-244/05 Bund Naturschutz;