Use "tossing" in a sentence

1. I couldn't sleep, but kept tossing and turning/tossing about in bed all night.

2. He was tossing the ball.

3. Branches were tossing in the wind.

4. Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

5. They were tossing a ball about.

6. We started tossing the pigskin around.

7. The horses wore golden plumes, tossing gilt.

8. I was tossing and turning all night.

9. I saw what he was looking at; a light, far out towards the horizon, tossing with the tossing sea.

10. I've been tossing and turning all night.

11. I had been tossing and turning all night.

12. Tossing and turning only amps up the anxiety .

13. She was up all night, tossing and turning.

14. 'Catch!' said Sandra, tossing her bag to him.

15. See us tossing them around like a rag doll?

16. And its waters keep tossing up seaweed and mire.

17. They're tossing the mailers before they can reach the residents.

18. I'm belting in our unit, and she's tossing his car.

19. They agreed to decide the matter by tossing a coin.

20. Pumpkin chunkin' involves tossing pumpkins with Catapults or trebuchets

21. Pumpkin chunkin' involves tossing pumpkins with Catapults or trebuchets

22. They found It'surging and tossing, in quest of Defarge himself.

23. Bouncer: No, you're not working at a nightclub tossing out drunks

24. Poor Joan has been tossing around all night with that fever.

25. The altercation concluded with Bugel tossing Brown from the session.

26. Like tossing a coin to decide on a man's life.

27. Why are you tossing the ball up in the air?

28. The seas grew turbulent, tossing the small boat like a cork.

29. The crowd cheered, banging pots and tossing confetti into the air.

30. To spawn the rare Vor'koth, keep tossing Chum into the water

31. In prison slang, this activity is known as "tossing a salad".

32. She is tossing something she is saying offhandedly, over her shoulder.

33. They were tossing bodies on top of me, one after the other...

34. 2020 But increasingly, chefs are tossing the vino and grabbing for a Brewski.

35. After the jack has landed, teams take turns tossing Bocce balls—the …

36. She oncentrated on tossing a few last possessions into a ditty bag.

37. I couldn't sleep but kept tossing and turning in bed all night.

38. She had slept badly, tossing and turning before falling into a fitful doze.

39. Except I want my bear won through some sort of demonstration of ring-tossing ability.

40. Add Collards, tossing to coat, and cook until just bright green, about 1 minute

41. Carla and Nick were sitting on the grass, languidly tossing Sara's frisbee to and fro.

42. Across the street the topmost branches of the lime trees were tossing and swaying.

43. Try tossing some deep orange accent pillows on a Chartreuse sofa for an easy mix.

44. Except I want my bear won through some sort of demonstration of ring- tossing ability

45. They spent two hours shouting indignant slogans and tossing tomatoes and fireworks across the water.

46. The white sheet was rumpled from her restless tossing, her book flung to the floor.

47. Synonyms for Bucking include pitching, rocking, lurching, rolling, plunging, tossing, listing, motion, movement and wobbling

48. Synonyms for Catapulting include hurling, hurtling, flinging, launching, pitching, propelling, shooting, tossing, firing and heaving

49. Appetizers don't get easier (or more delicious) than tossing warm potato chips with two flavor-packed ingredients

50. His horse snorted, tossing its head so that foam flew in dark patches on the ground.

51. Muttering savagely, she turned on the water and started tossing the plates and cups into the sink.

52. Our top-selling multipurpose Bowls feature a built-in thumb handle for superior control when mixing or tossing

53. She could hear her tossing restlessly in the bed, as muted sobs escaped from her dreams.

54. 12 The seas roiled , tossing the ships in the harbor about like toys in a rain barrel.

55. Recurring thoughts about her conversation with Philippe Fontaine had kept her tossing and turning most of the night.

56. With their necks extended upright, the displaying birds march in groups, tossing their beaks from side to side.

57. The Lieutenant's horse was tossing its head, snorting, raising its bright hooves high as it trampled the crop.

58. Synonyms for Bandying include citing, debating, discussing, exchanging, mentioning, throwing around, tossing around, arguing, quarrelling and quarreling

59. For hours the boy would stand tossing a ball up into the air and catching it again.

60. Synonyms for Bandying about include citing, debating, discussing, exchanging, mentioning, throwing around, tossing around, Bandying around, Bandying and broadcasting

61. Bocce is played by tossing different sized balls around the court and calculating points based on the balls' positions

62. Carl Lewis has done it in the 100 and 200 meters, tossing in the long jump for good measure.

63. The beast Chittered again, tossing its head to try and reach her with the point of its horn

64. In the case of tossing behavior with uncertain people, its liability is preconditioned by the deduction of behavior.

65. Hey Tony, bounce this clown outta here, will ya? The boss's goons Bounced the man from the office, tossing

66. Knights would gallop in a circle while tossing balls from one to another; an activity that required great skill and horsemanship.

67. Julius quickly sorted through them, tossing them carelessly on to the floor as he continued his fast but thorough search.

68. The animal plunged to a halt, snorting and tossing its head nervously as water sprayed into the air around them.

69. Peter took in an eyeful of those waves crashing against the boat, tossing spray and foam to the wind, and he panicked.

70. Two goats will circle head to tail in a display of strength, tossing their heads and posturing and grunting at each other.

71. The probability of finding exactly 3 heads in tossing a coin repeatedly for 10 times is estimated during the Binomial distribution.

72. My guys are busting their asses trying to hide Walt's money from the feds, and you're tossing yours out a window?

73. Each team tries to score by tossing the ball through the opponent’s goal, an elevated horizontal hoop and net called a Basket

74. Breasting out birds and tossing the legs, wings and giblets in the trash damages – some would say destroys – that argument.” What destroys that argument is not some duck hunters tossing giblets in the garbage, but the legions of guys out there shooting prairie dogs, ground squirrels, coyotes, and …

75. 24 Two goats will circle head to tail in a display of strength, tossing their heads and posturing and grunting at each other.

76. Don't think Gaiman's comments in the film were especially useful or relevant -- tossing out the old cliché about HPL's "Adjectivitis," for example

77. Amplifications: Definitions If one trolls social media, it will be noticed that people are tossing around the words “fascism” and “socialism” without using the terms properly

78. Leaving the figs as they are, assuming they are seriously ripe and unctuous, and simply slicing them and tossing with crisp bitter salad leaves and Aniseedy herbs

79. Keeps my lil darlins RESONABLY safe in the closet, car trunk or bed of pickup from dogs stepping on them to my Chuckleheaded buddies tossing their crap in …

80. But the wicked are like the sea that is being tossed, when it is unable to calm down, the waters of which keep tossing up seaweed and mire.