Use "torrential rain" in a sentence

1. During the night there was torrential rain.

2. I woke to the sound of torrential rain.

3. The game was cancelled owing to torrential rain.

4. Torrential rain lashed down but the people were patient.

5. Torrential rain drove the players off the course.

6. Rescuers battled against torrential rain and high winds.

7. A howling gale and torrential rain lashed the windows.

8. Torrential rain washed out most of the weekend's events.

9. The torrential rain had plastered her hair to her head.

10. They duly arrived at 30 in spite of torrential rain.

11. A fierce, freezing wind whipped torrential rain into their faces.

12. The torrential rain may flood the low - lying land out.

13. The River Frome had burst its banks after torrential rain.

14. Torrential rain was quickly turning the building-site into a quagmire.

15. The coast has been battered by torrential rain all week.

16. That summer a torrential rain poured down for two days and nights.

17. Swollen by torrential rain, rivers overflowed their banks, breaking dikes and destroying bridges.

18. 14 A flash of lightning and a peal of thunder heralded torrential rain.

19. Ordinanza DPCM #/#- Compensation for damages due to adverse weather events (floods and torrential rain

20. Seeing new frogs croaking in the dark nights with torrential rain is really good!

21. It had been a night of stormy weather, with torrential rain and high winds.

22. Fortunately her torrent of abuse was diluted by a downpour of even more torrential rain.

23. My mum and dad drove us to the airport in the torrential rain and wind.

24. But Panama was all jungle , torrential rain , malaria and yellow fever , and the French failed catastrophically.

25. Title: Ordinanza DPCM 3268/2003 — Compensation for damages due to adverse weather events (floods and torrential rain)

26. They say the typhoon will bring torrential rain to the province during the next few days .

27. Strong winds and torrential rain combined to make conditions terrible for golfers in the Scottish Open.

28. When the land is exposed to the harsh tropical sun and torrential rain, it quickly becomes infertile.

29. The Marines suffer from burning sun and torrential rain; flares sent up at night emit an eerie glow.

30. He dropped his head into his hands. Torrential rain was quickly turning the building-site into a quagmire.

31. He spent many nights sleeping in an open orchard in torrential rain until he located a small cave.

32. Shivering in our sleeping bags, we listened to the torrential rain beating on the corrugated iron roof above us.

33. The lane petered out to track, the rain increased to torrential and dozens of lambs crowded under thorn trees, Bleating

34. Instead of diverting to another airport, the crew initiated the approach to Pucallpa Airport with torrential rain, hail and strong winds.

35. The wintry weather took on freakish proportions with torrential rain turning to sideways sleet as the Blustery wind continued to create havoc.

36. Rescues On Streets In Bergen, Elsewhere As Flooding Besieges Area - Ridgewood-Glen Rock, NJ - Torrential rain fell through the afternoon as emergency crews …

37. Torrential rains caused a massive mudslide.

38. Severe springtime thunderstorms generally affect the south-east and inland of the state and can bring damaging winds, torrential rain, large hail and even tornadoes.

39. Caption :FLASH FLOOD: A rescuer helped pull a vehicle from mud after a flash flood caused by torrential rain hit Rongjiang County, Guizhou province, China, Tuesday.

40. The torrential flood annihilated the village.

41. We got caught in a torrential downpour.

42. Torrential rain in the Midwest of the United States in March caused flooding throughout Missouri. Piedmont and Poplar Bluff are the two towns that suffered the worst in the state.

43. The monsoon season was fast approaching, threatening torrential rains.

44. The water vapor condensed and fell in torrential downpours.

45. Sun, rain, sun, rain.

46. The storm also dropped torrential rainfall, particularly in mountainous regions.

47. When the thunder god causes torrential rainfall, the children climb into the gourd.

48. In October torrential rains turned the battlefield into a sea of mud.

49. After torrential rains last December, saturated El Ávila could take no more.

50. + 22 I will bring my judgment against him* with pestilence+ and bloodshed; and I will rain down a torrential downpour and hailstones+ and fire+ and sulfur+ on him and on his troops and on the many peoples with him.

51. A former Protestant minister readily accepted, and despite torrential rains they took the trip.

52. For the past six hours the downpour had been continuous and torrential.

53. JGoldcrown Bobs Rain Check Love Rain Boot

54. The landscape is the result of erosion by water and wind in a desert climate, with large ranges in temperature - high heat by day and low temperature at night, with torrential rain in summer and strong wind in spring.

55. Both the autumn rain and the spring rain,

56. It is unlikely to rain/that it will rain.

57. The autumn rain and the spring rain, as before.

58. Two fire crews from Bury attended the crash which happened in a torrential downpour.

59. Rain gutters

60. Acid Rain - Rain is called "Acid Rain" only if it has more Acid than normal

61. Acid rain.

62. Why rain?

63. Rain falls.

64. Torrential rains caused by the storm resulted in 2.5 ft of deep flooding, damaging agricultural crops.

65. Thunder, lightning and a torrential downpour provided an unreal prelude in the futuristic San Nicola stadium.

66. The rain then makeup, summer rain, summer lightning, beautiful flowers.

67. During the summer of 2001, for instance, torrential storms caused major flooding in Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

68. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > Yukon Pollution / Acid Rain

69. No acid rain.

70. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > Nunavut Pollution / Acid Rain

71. Heavy rain advisory.

72. A few months later, torrential rains and avalanches caused one of the worst natural disasters in Venezuela’s history.

73. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > Nova Scotia Pollution / Acid Rain

74. 10 “Ask Jehovah for rain in the time of the spring rain.

75. Make it rain.

76. Is this rain?

77. Torrential rains caused flooding and induced mud slides that swept away or completely inundated hundreds of homes.

78. Don’t Carp about the rain if you live in the rain forest.

79. Acid Rain Implement Canada Wide Acid Rain Strategy and conduct ecosystem Monitoring.

80. You left me in spring rain, and came back in spring rain.