Use "torpid" in a sentence

1. After a long sleep,he still felt torpid.

2. Even when he was awake he was completely torpid.

3. Over it all hangs the torpid sullen breeze of May.

4. To pass the summer in a dormant or torpid state.

5. He just walked and his mind drifted slowly like a torpid stream.

6. To pass the winter in a dormant or torpid state.

7. 11 synonyms for Benumbed: dull, insensible, insensitive, numb, stuporous, torpid, unresponsive

8. By 19 the union had become torpid, old, and bureaucratic.

9. The fervent heat merely communicated a genial warmth to their half - torpid systems.

10. Keep on idling like this, and you will surely become torpid.

11. 11 synonyms for Benumbed: dull, insensible, insensitive, numb, stuporous, torpid, unresponsive, wooden

12. Aestivation: ( es'ti-vā'shŭn ) Living through the summer in a quiescent, torpid state

13. A lime-green chameleon, stretching from fence to shrub in torpid motion, beguiled us.

14. The two ships becalmed on a torpid sea, I believed to be marine phantoms.

15. And under the influence of that wintry piece of fact, she would become torpid again.

16. In front of him the torpid lizards stirred in their cage on the picture box.

17. His feeding frenzy exhausted, he was torpid, unable to pay attention to the rat in her maze.

18. Unsurprisingly, refugees often fell into a torpid dependency, which did not bode well for the future.

19. Adjective affected with or characterized by coma. lacking alertness or energy; torpid: Comatose from lack of sleep.

20. For nearly half-an-hour nothing happened, no sound broke the torpid silence of the village citadel.

21. Antonyms for Aestivate include hibernate, sleep, winter, overwinter, lie dormant, vegetate, hide, immure, hole up and lie torpid

22. Inert, stupefied, out cold, somnolent, torpid, insensible, dead to the world (informal), drugged Granpa lies Comatose on the sofa.

23. Antonyms for Aestivating include hibernating, sleeping, wintering, overwintering, lying dormant, vegetating, hiding, immuring, holing up and lying torpid

24. Buckbean tea, taken alone or mixed with wormwood, centaury or sage, is said to cure dyspepsia and a torpid liver

25. If you have a sudden loss of cabin pressure at 20 000 feet, passengers will become torpid and then lose consciousness.

26. 13 synonyms for Comatose: unconscious, in a coma, out cold, insensible, insensate, inert, stupefied, out cold, somnolent, torpid, insensible, dead to the world

27. In the hottest part of the year , some desert insects remain in their underground shelters in a torpid state called aestivation , from which they revive in winter .

28. Apathetic adjective uninterested, passive, indifferent, sluggish, unmoved, stoic, stoical, unconcerned, listless, cold, cool, impassive, unresponsive, phlegmatic, unfeeling, unemotional, torpid, emotionless, insensible Many people feel Apathetic about the candidates in both parties.

29. We are at first torpid when God invites us, except he applies his many goads; and then we act formally in coming to him: it is hence needful that both these vices should be corrected in us, — our torpor must be roused, — and those self-Complacences, in which we too much indulge ourselves, must be shaken off.