Use "tormented" in a sentence

1. She was tormented with fear.

2. Anguished definition is - suffering anguish : tormented

3. We were tormented by thirst and fever.

4. This question tormented Michael,* from South Africa.

5. Sometimes, too, he was tormented by jealousy.

6. She tormented me with some silly questions.

7. Probably tormented his parents, not the other way around.

8. Sniegs, that talented but tormented musician, had been deported.

9. The animals are tormented mercilessly by flies and mosquitoes.

10. The first soldier is clearly tormented by what he did.

11. Yes, maybe they were called up by her tormented soul.

12. So why be tormented by something that may never occur?

13. 12 synonyms for Anguished: suffering, wounded, tortured, distressed, tormented, afflicted, agonized

14. In order to be tormented, a person has to be conscious.

15. 11 synonyms for Agonized: tortured, suffering, wounded, distressed, racked, tormented, anguished


17. In what sense are those in “the lake of fire” tormented eternally?

18. You must keep me tormented with that cruelty you think so pious.

19. In his tormented mind, his stay at Stonehearst is merely a chess match.

20. The words shrieked like tormented ghosts in the dark recesses of Mowbray's soul.

21. The woman was tormented by the uncertainty of the condition of the dead.

22. Others submit to an abortion and pay the price of a tormented conscience.

23. The churches have long taught that the wicked are tormented in a hot hell.

24. Some are so tormented by the disorder they have demanded that limbs are amputated.

25. This could explain the gastrointestinal problems, migraines and nervous crises that tormented the princess.

26. She knew that life for her child would be tormented in the nobleman's house.

27. We are tormented by the fact that our little Madeleine... is so full of hate.

28. He could not work during the day, and his abdominal pains tormented him at night.

29. They tormented him with a plan to bypass theaters and just show it on television.

30. The lamp beside his bed threw a faint glow over his swollen, passionate, tormented face.

31. Synonyms for Beleaguered include harassed, aggravated, badgered, hassled, plagued, tormented, troubled, persecuted, pestered and vexed

32. You're showing a lot of sentiment for a man who tormented you as a child.

33. Victor was tormented by things that try us all-council bureaucrats, sloppy workmen, shoddy service.

34. 180 rows  · Listen to music from Barbarity like Repository of Tormented Souls, Death …

35. 9S is tormented by the loss of YoRHa and 2B, and becomes emotionally and mentally unstable.

36. Graham Stuart tormented and teased Gary Ablett mercilessly throughout, beating the ex-Liverpool defender at will.

37. Synonyms for Bummed out include distressed, upset, anxious, distraught, troubled, afflicted, agitated, distracted, tormented and worried

38. My conscience tormented me relentlessly, and I experienced the excruciating pain of being alienated from Jehovah God.

39. Krista tries to fix things, but Nadine is tormented about her best friend being with her brother.

40. Alcoholics are mocked and tormented when they can not scrounge the kopek needed for their next drink.

41. She says: “Each day, tormented by a sense of failure, I kept replaying past events in my mind.”

42. But he never finds her again, and is imprisoned in his strange mixture of tormented lust and repentance.

43. Bellicosity is a dark, psychological thriller that follows the tormented life of Blake; a man of two minds

44. Because jailers were the ones who tormented prisoners, the word derived from “touchstone” was also applied to jailers.

45. Sometimes, too, he was tormented by jealousy. Without proof, he had convinced himself that there was some one else.

46. Completely frustrated with the system of things and with my own tormented conscience, I sought relief from my anguish.

47. One man who believes deeply in his calling is my friend who spent that tormented night in the station jail.

48. They taught that wicked people would not be tormented forever but, rather, would be burned to ashes in the flames.

49. Agony is an FPS game survival horror game where players begin their adventure as a tormented soul without any memories

50. 10 Scenario 2: A deeply religious householder finds it hard to believe that bad people will not be tormented forever in hellfire.

51. But remember that the Savior himself was tormented, ridiculed, spat upon, and finally crucified because he would not waver in his conviction.

52. It tormented me beyond all endurance, while at the same time the awful silence of the terrible prison weighed me down.

53. It is one of the few gestures of real friendship encountered by this lonely man in his long and tormented odyssey.

54. Revelation 20:10-15 says that in “the lake of fire and sulphur, . . . they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”

55. Animal-Baiting is a blood sport where an animal is tormented or attacked by another animal, for the purpose of entertainment or gambling

56. Stephanie Davis is being tormented by a delusional Cyberstalker who falsely claims the pair are in a tempestuous relationship, the Mirror can reveal

57. Revelation 20:10 says that the Devil will be cast into “the lake of fire” and “tormented day and night for ever and ever.”

58. Day and night, the screams of tormented women in panic and desperation who cry for God's mercy fall upon the deaf ears of prison authorities.

59. 27 Helpers approaching have sometimes been bitten or attacked wildly in the delirium that follows and which may last as long as twelve tormented hours.

60. “They were stoned, ... were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: ... wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, [and] tormented;

61. To see that wicked King Ahab surrounded himself with false prophets and that Ahab believed their blatant lies must have tormented Micaiah’s righteous soul.

62. Helpers approaching have sometimes been bitten or attacked wildly in the delirium that follows and which may last as long as twelve tormented hours.

63. “Marie-Sophie Laborieux, the saucy, aging daughter of a slave Affranchised by his master, tells the story of the tormented foundation of her people’s identity

64. The bull was not to be tormented by being forcibly prevented from satisfying its desire to feed on some of the grain it was threshing.

65. Do we feel as did Lot, who was “greatly distressed,” even tormented, by the lawless deeds of the people of Sodom, among whom he lived?

66. Crewed by tormented and damned ghostly sailors, it is doomed forever to beat its way through the adjacent waters without ever succeeding in rounding the headland.

67. Knowing that his recovery was impossible, I refrained, with his full concurrence, from having him tormented with miscalled Alleviations, such as opiates, bloodletting, and so forth.

68. Apostate doctrines included the false teaching that God is a Trinity, that the soul does not die, and that some souls are tormented eternally in hellfire.

69. When the fool commits evil deeds, he does not realize (their evil nature). The witless man is tormented by his own deeds, like one burnt by fire.

70. Bellicosity is a dark, psychological thriller that follows the tormented life of Blake; a man of two minds and his downward spiral into madness over a girl

71. Author Rom Landau admitted: “The accumulated wisdom of many ages, with all that philosophers . . . and psychologists have said on the subject, offers no guidance to the man tormented by jealousy. . . .

72. The lamp alarms and frightens Jonah; as lying in his berth his tormented eyes roll round the place, and this thus far successful fugitive finds no refuge for his restless glance.

73. Sinners are devoured by wild beasts and by snakes, laboriously roasted, sawed into parts, tormented by thirst and hunger, boiled in oil, or ground to powder in iron or stone vessels.”

74. By violating her duty towards her husband, a wife is disgraced in this world; after death she enters the womb of a jackal, and is tormented by diseases, the punishment of her sin.”

75. Determined to find natural explanations, modern skeptics offer scenarios that include delirium, hallucination, a drastic psychological crisis provoked by the qualms of Saul’s tormented conscience, a nervous breakdown, and an assumed predisposition to epilepsy.

76. The first paranormal addition to the Random Romance series, Captivation is an intoxicating ghost story True love never dies.After Juliette lost her beloved husband Danny, she closed herself off from the world, tormented by her grief

77. And ever, as the white moon shows her affrighted face from the steep gullies in the blackness overhead, aghast Jonah sees the rearing bowsprit pointing high upward, but soon beat downward again towards the tormented deep.

78. ‘A firefighter and fire technician with Parks Canada, Taylor uses his unique perspective to capture in Anguishing detail the awesome force that is a forest fire.’ Synonyms agonized , tormented, racked with pain, racked with suffering, tortured, harrowed

79. 30 Accordingly a famine prevailed throughout all the land of Chaldea, and my father was sorely tormented because of the famine, and he repented of the evil which he had determined against me, to take away my alife.

80. + 10 And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulfur, where both the wild beast+ and the false prophet already were;+ and they will be tormented* day and night forever and ever.