Use "tony blair" in a sentence

1. We call on Tony Blair to withdraw our troops immediately.

2. Examples of liberal internationalists include former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

3. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister? Still, American fascination with PMQs Bemuses Britons

4. In it was Tony Blair with a sledgehammer and a room full of rocks.

5. British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Britain stood "shoulder to shoulder" with the United States.

6. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown talked excitedly about "transforming" Whitehall and its fuddy-duddy ways.

7. Prime Minister Tony Blair was onto "the mood" so quickly that you feel he must have partaken of it.

8. Tony Blair, as the Prime Minister of a Member State, is visiting China this week and almost ignoring human rights.

9. "I was listening to Tony Blair moaning about you all being anti- American, " she says, ever-so-prim in her pretty pink pinafore.

10. On May 5 this year -- polling day for Britain's general election -- he planted 000 kisses on a laminated picture of Prime Minister Tony Blair.

11. In October 2004, Tony Blair announced he would not lead the party into a fourth general election, but would serve a full third term.

12. 22 Tony Blair is an exceptionally gifted politician, perhaps the most natural persuader to have occupied the country's highest office since universal suffrage was introduced in 19

13. Barroso calls the agreement “historic,” Tony Blair extols its “groundbreaking, bold, ambitious targets,” and German Chancellor Angela Merkel even ventured that the promises “can avoid what could well be a human calamity.”

14. I'm putting my art and soul into off-field subjects At the GQ Men of the Year Awards, Tony Blair was named Philanthropist of the Year which says just one thing - the Arty …

15. Assigns A Torturous Enquiry - Investigation A Torturous Enquiry - Identification A Torturous Enquiry - Confrontation A Torturous Enquiry - Resolution It's Only Goodbye Thunderheart Features in Tarada Bay's Secret Tony Bleurgh is a reference to Tony Blair.

16. A heap of utter crap You're talking shite, pal, that's total Balderdash NB Balderdash could be used to describe what Prime Minister Tony Blair talks on a regular basis, both in and out of Parliament by Bonnie wee haggis September 23, 2003

17. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I Carson would likely be dazzled by the extent to which governments of all stripes have since called on scientific experts to help populate a regulatory galaxy that extends from the humblest of municipal Bailiwicks to the global economy.

18. From Miroslav Volf, one of the world's foremost Christian theologians—and co-teacher, along with Tony Blair, of a groundbreaking Yale University course on faith and globalization—comes Allah, a timely and provocative argument for a new pluralism between Muslims and Christians.In a penetrating exploration of every side of the issue, from New York Times headlines on terrorism to passages in