Use "to the exclusion of" in a sentence

1. 30 The great need, in his view, is to cultivate selfless or detached action to the exclusion of egocentric activity.

2. 27 Here, Christie's tightly produced specialist sales are aimed at the discerning buyer to the exclusion of the average punter.

3. We Construe civil marriage to mean the voluntary union of two persons as spouses, to the exclusion of all others

4. None of them made any reference to the exclusion of potential purchasers or to any alternative bid for the shares.

5. Androcentrism refers to perspectives concerned with masculinity or men to the exclusion of other perspectives. The opposite of Androcentrism, which occurs when the feminine point of …

6. Otherwise, courts of justice would be Arrogating upon themselves a power conferred by the Constitution upon another branch of the service to the exclusion of the others

7. (40) The immediate object of these actions is the right in rem as a power over a thing (res) to the exclusion of all unauthorised interference with that thing.

8. The Teesta is an international river and India cannot take the view that it has an absolute right over its flows to the exclusion of the interests of others.

9. The Need for a Comprehensive Strategy * The previous Administration’s myopic focus on Iran’s nuclear program to the exclusion of the regime’s many other malign activities allowed Iran’s influence in the region to reach a high-water mark.

10. Banco definition, a declaration made by a bettor in certain gambling games, as baccarat and chemin de fer, indicating a bet matching the full amount in the bank, to the exclusion of all previous lower bets: often used as an interjection

11. Example sentences from the Web for Cacophonous A psychologist might describe the benefits of this cognitive specificity in terms of “flow,” the buzzword applied to activities that focus the attention on something immediate and tangible, to the exclusion of the Cacophonous …

12. The Abstractionistic tendency of our intellectual thought; which attaches absolute logical value to one of the aspects of reality, is a vicious superstition, as truth is multiform and has many facets, in which no one aspect should be given absolute value to the exclusion of the rest.

13. Borough english: 1 n a former English custom by which the youngest son inherited land to the exclusion of his older brothers Type of: heritage , inheritance that which is inherited; a title or property or estate that passes by law to the heir on the death of the owner

14. Women administer jointly with the husband the Community of Acquests which comprises all property acquired, bought or taken on emphyteusis, by the husband or wife from the date of the marriage until its termination and all income received by the spouses to the exclusion of any property or income which is inherited

15. Borough english, a custom prevailing in certain ancient English boroughs, and in districts attached to them (where the lands are held in socage), and also in certain copyhold manors (chiefly in Surrey, Middlesex, Suffolk and Sussex), by which in general lands descend to the youngest son, to the exclusion of all the other children, of the person dying seised and intestate

16. If by “slave” I mean al-‘aabid, one who worships Allaah and obeys His commands, this meaning applies specifically to the believers to the exclusion of the kaafireen, because the believers are the true slaves of Allaah who attribute Lordship and Divinity to Him Alone and recognize Him by His Names and Attributes, and do not associate anything with Him.

17. 44 As the Court has already pointed out in paragraph 18 of this judgment, under Article 168a of the Treaty and Article 51 of the Statute of the Court of Justice (EC), an appeal may rely only on grounds relating to infringement of rules of law, to the exclusion of any appraisal of facts, and is therefore admissible only in so far as the decision of the Court of First Instance is claimed to be incompatible with rules of law the observance of which it had to ensure.