Use "to get the better of" in a sentence

1. Because you're always trying to get the better of me.

2. These verbs mean to get the better of an adversary.

3. She had behaved quite out of character just to get the better of him.

4. I don't trust that man. He tries to get the better of his customers.

5. One of Walter Lini 's minor pleasures was to get the better of the French.

6. Mark does have a habit of allowing his temperament to get the better of him.

7. Because Warlocks were the first who managed to get the better of Black Dragons using magic.

8. While all these words mean "to get the better of by force or strategy," Conquer …

9. It is not schooling but a nasty little trick he has to get the better of me.

10. So mortals learned that it is not possible to get the better of Zeus or ever deceive him.

11. At the same time he said he had had to select his shots wisely to get the better of Chesnokov.

12. In the time it takes to get the better of this slope, you could raise a family and marry them off.

13. Conquer, vanquish, defeat, subdue, reduce, overcome, overthrow mean to get the better of by force or strategy. Conquer implies gaining mastery of.

14. This is clearly a lesson for us who are often inclined to accentuate differences and even contrasts, forgetting that in Jesus Christ we are given the strength to get the better of our continual conflicts.