Use "to be present" in a sentence

1. To be present at: Attended the lecture

2. Assignation: an agreement to be present at …

3. Encourage all interested ones to be present.

4. Attend definition is - to be present at : to go to

5. Recall that Jesus chose to be present at one such feast.

6. She wanted to be present at the marriage of her grandson.

7. “Alpha emitting nuclides but no neutron emitters are known to be present

8. Alpha emitting nuclides but no neutron emitters are known to be present

9. Attend definition, to be present at: to Attend a lecture; to Attend church

10. In all six Anura species an apical ectodermal ridge was found to be present.

11. This morning, he notified judges that he was waiving his right to be present.

12. In painting, for instance, it is not necessary for the referent to be present.

13. This allowed Wolff to be present the day of the dismissal of James Comey.

14. The verb Attend means to be present, to listen, or give care or attention to

15. To start to be seen or to be present: He suddenly Appeared in the doorway

16. Sialic acid and fucose were found to be present in a molar ratio of 1:2.

17. During every treatment, sufficient volume of treatment product needs to be present in the dipping cup.

18. Why should we plan to be present for all three days of the 2010 district convention?

19. If we are to discuss a marriage contract, it's inappropriate for a woman to be present.

20. Abound definition is - to be present in large numbers or in great quantity : to be prevalent

21. GAmbling thus requires three elements to be present: consideration (an amount wagered), risk (chance), and a prize

22. When the branch was dedicated on December 7, 1996, 668 old-timers were invited to be present.

23. Early notification of hospitals would enable a particular stroke team to be present at the patient's admission.

24. A "rectal sensation" has to be present to provide warning of the need to move Bowels

25. If you have planned to be away, could you make adjustments in order to be present that week?

26. When a scene called for him to be present, the action was filmed from his point of view.

27. For example, Walter and I were able to be present for the baptisms of 136 of our Bible students.

28. I am honoured to be present here with all of you on what is my second visit to Imphal.

29. For Affirmations to be effective, it is said that they need to be present tense, positive, personal and specific.

30. More emotions of shame seem to be present with anxiety, depression and disturbances in the sense of an alexithymia concept.

31. An informal atmosphere is created in certain court proceedings by allowing only persons who are absolutely necessary to be present

32. An informal atmosphere is created in certain court proceedings by allowing only persons who are absolutely necessary to be present.

33. So success rates in urban areas, where representation is more likely to be present, were higher than in outlying areas.

34. And Schrodinger said the essence was information present in our chromosomes, and it had to be present on a molecule.

35. When Attend means ‘to be present at an event or activity’, it is not used with the prepositions to or at

36. Appear verb (BE PRESENT) B1 [ I ] to start to be seen or to be present: He suddenly Appeared in the doorway.

37. appear verb (BE PRESENT) B1 [ I ] to start to be seen or to be present: He suddenly Appeared in the doorway.

38. Relying on specific misfeatures to be present, exploitable, and useful on a diverse set of platforms is more Chancy for the attacker

39. Any condition in which Bullous disease or subpleural “blebs” are known to be present is considered a contraindication to diving (Table 5.4)

40. Crate your phone: remind family and friends to be present with one another by putting their phone in this attractive wood Crate

41. Then the governor of Gaza district came to the area and the remaining Witnesses were requested to be present for a public meeting.

42. Spiritual leaders, scholars, academicians and theologists from Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, UK, USA, Canada and Pakistan, among other countries, are expected to be present.

43. In addition to the claw muscle, the enzyme activity was also found to be present in the heart, alimentary canal, hepatopancreas, and nervous system.

44. Ward, like many, is a bit jealous of those with synaesthesia, but the condition seems to be present from birth and impossible to learn.

45. The phrase Blurs the distinction between citizens and non-citizens by implying illegal aliens somehow possess a civil right to be present in the U.S.

46. So the fourth commandment I want to share with you here tonight is, a city of the future has to use technology to be present.

47. The artist can choose to be present to display, discuss, or take commission in a variation of the art show known as the Artists' Alley.

48. Referring to an idea about what it means to be a man, the concept of the Animus is known to be present in the female mind

49. For an act to legally be considered emBezzling, a few different factors have to be present, including stealing the property intentionally and being in a position of trust.

50. Carbon is believed to be present in the electrolyte as the so called acetylide ion The melting point of pure CaCl2 was found to be 775.2 ± 0.6 °C.

51. When the Bible speaks of Jesus’ return, it does not at all follow that for him to be present he has to leave his abode in the heavens.

52. Early notification by the emergency medical services about stroke patients would enable stroke teams to be present at admission, thus improving the likelihood of a better outcome for patients.

53. Two years ago in the island country of Papua New Guinea, 11 interested persons traveled in a small boat for 17 hours through rough seas in order to be present.

54. Interpretative ambiguity might reasonably be said to be present with regard to the way in which and the period over which VMC is calculated, as outlined in the previous section.

55. 30 If there is a difficult union, self may choose not to be present but may accolade synergy in the work happenstance or in other encounters of a fortuitous kind.

56. (24) The Allotropic nature of cobalt can cause either the face centered cubic (fee) or hexagonal close packed (hcp) crystal structures, or both, to be present in Tribaloy alloys, depending on …

57. ABSENTEES: All in the congregation can show appreciation for this school by endeavoring to be present at every weekly session, by preparing their assignments well and by participating in question sessions.

58. Confined spaces can either be classified as either non-permit or permit required Confined spaces depending on hazards that are or have the potential to be present in the Confined space

59. The procedure in question was adversarial and, under the domestic law as in force at the relevant time, the prosecution was required to be present at the trial if so ordained.

60. ABSENTEES: All in the congregation can show appreciation for this school by endeavoring to be present at every weekly session, by preparing their assignments well, and by participating in question sessions.

61. In addition, by means of webs arranged at an angle to the transport direction, pockets are created which allow a stationary layer of cooled product to be present above the dispersion elements.

62. To actively produce the virus, certain cellular transcription factors need to be present, the most important of which is NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa B), which is upregulated when T cells become activated.

63. Avct "expects demand to be present for rapid testing for at least two years and probably for longer." A standout ambiguity is again the detail (or rather, lack thereof) on current manufacturing capacity

64. She called her Affianced lover "Lionel," no matter who chanced to be present; and she would ask him to help her to hand the tea, just as if he already belonged to her.

65. In Uralic languages, such as Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian, the Adessive case (abbreviated ADE; from Latin adesse "to be present") is the fourth of the locative cases with the basic meaning of "on".

66. In Uralic languages, such as Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian, the Adessive case (abbreviated ADE; from Latin adesse "to be present") is the fourth of the locative cases with the basic meaning of "on"

67. When the “Boggy heel” was thought to be present by the RN along with patient reports of pain and assessments of increased tissue warmth or coolness compared to the opposite heel, a heel protective device would be placed

68. ‘Both species use a mixed breeding system, consisting of xenogamy, geitonogamy, and autogamy; Agamospermy is unimportant.’ ‘Within the genera that develop bisexual flowers, Agamospermy appears to be present in Sarcandra chloranthoides as well as Chloranthus serratus and C

69. 1854, The Right of All the Baptized to be Present at the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist, page 34: Better indeed would it be to return to the old Jewish sacrifices, than to embrace the Aliturgic weakness of Protestantism

70. In addition, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the President of the World Bank, the Managing Director of the IMF, the Director-General of the WTO, heads of the ILO, the Financial Stability Board, etc., are likely to be present.

71. The reason given by the Affirmants is that the Innocentian marital intent is not so much the intention to contract a valid marriage, as to externally contract and consummate, an intention that is always presumed to be present in such cases.

72. It was designed to merge the ideas of a ship's bridge and an aircraft's cockpit: somewhere that resembled the packed-in command area of the space tug Nostromo from Alien, but had enough space to allow all nine characters to be present and interact.

73. Crankbaits come in a myriad of colors, from subtle to extreme, oftentimes attracting the angler rather than the fish! Although a variety of colors can be useful for different conditions, there are a few main ones that need to be present in everyone's tackle box.

74. When Autocorrelated error terms are found to be present, then one of the first remedial measures should be to investigate the omission of a key predictor variable. If such a predictor does not aid in reducing/eliminating autocorrelation of the error terms, then certain …

75. Furthermore, if the documentation submitted in support of the petition includes affidavits of third parties having knowledge of the bona fides of the marital relationship, the petitioner must arrange for the Affiants to be present at the interview, at no expense to the government.

76. Conservative tympanoplastic procedures in 210 clinical cases of chronic suppurative otitis media and tympanosclerosis have shown granulation tissues to be present within the aditus often to the extent that antrum and tympanic cavity were virtually separated from each other; i.e., there was an occlusion of the aditus.

77. An Adessive case (abbreviated ADE; from Latin adesse "to be present (at)": ad "at" + esse "to be") is a grammatical case generally denoting location at, upon, or adjacent to the referent of the noun; the term is most frequently used in Uralic studies

78. Alaskans for Open Meetings mission is to assure that the constitutional rights of free assembly, and the statutory requirement of government to conduct public affairs in open meetings where the right of the public to be present and to be heard and to question government decisions is not abridged.

79. Fixed star Agena, Beta Centauri, is a 0.61 magnitude trinary star system situated on the left front knee of Centaur, Centaurus Constellation.The traditional name Agena comes from Latin words for the knee.It is sometimes called Hadar, from the Arabic word حضار which means to be present, or settled, civilized area.

80. Especially noteworthy was that: (i) similar Aliphatics were extracted from the three clays, (ii) the compounds identified were typical of components of natural waxes, which appear to be present in the organic matter in fine‐clay fractions, and (iii) the soft ionization mass spectrometric methods employed were found to be eminently suitable