Use "tithe" in a sentence

1. Should You Tithe?

2. Willingly pay a full tithe.

3. I haven't heard a tithe of it.

4. A Tithe Is a Tenth Part

5. Despite his hardship, Genival gave the tithe conscientiously.

6. For many churches, the answer is the tithe.

7. I cannot remember a tithe of it.

8. I don't know a tithe of it.

9. Paying a full and honest tithe leads us to the temple.

10. He understood, and he could become a full-tithe payer.

11. They have truly brought the whole tithe into the storehouse.

12. How have Jehovah’s people been blessed for bringing in their whole tithe?

13. 14 Clearly, for Christians the tithe symbolizes, or represents, something.

14. A . The Tithe is compulsory while the offering is voluntary.

15. The modern-day tithe does not have to be just a tenth.

16. The tithe has been defined as 10 percent of a person’s gross income.

17. Taxpayers can not get even a tithe of their money back.

18. □ What is the tithe that Christians are invited to bring to the storehouse?

19. No tithe was paid during a Sabbath year, since no income was then anticipated.

20. The sons of Israel and Judah who lived in the cities of Judah also brought in the tithe of oxen and sheep, and the tithe of sacred gifts which were Consecrated to …

21. But we never tithe, take up collections, or charge a fee for our services or publications.

22. My uncle is a religious man and he has been strictly observing the tithe rule.

23. They fast and pray and tithe and give alms and spend their lives studying the Law.

24. My church requires that I tithe week order to be a member of their congregation.

25. Abraham presented Melchizedek with a tithe ( a tenth ) of all the booty he had gathered.

26. All Judah then brought the tithe of the grain, wine and oil into the storehouses.

27. This means that his office was Appointive, and that he was a tithe - squeezer or tax-farmer

28. What blessings can we be confident of enjoying if we continue to bring in the whole tithe?

29. Home; Search; Browse; How to Search; About the Records; Home; Longford; Browse the Tithe Applotment Books Parishes in Longford

30. 18:26 Not to preface one tithe to the next, but separate them in their proper order — Ex.

31. These apparently involved the use of two tenths of the yearly income, though some scholars think there was only one annual tithe.

32. We may tithe mint and rue, and all manner of herbs, and still not obey the commandments of God [see Luke 11:42].

33. Hence, until that time let each of us show our appreciation and love for Jehovah by bringing the whole tithe into the storehouse.

34. He prided himself on these, but to the end of his life was unwilling to tithe on them or even acknowledge that they were gifts from God.

35. The Tithe Applotment Books are a vital source for genealogical research for the pre-Famine period, given the loss of the 1821-51 Census records

36. Centuries after being rendered obsolete as a mainline warship within the Covenant fleet, Brigantines were placed in Covenant missionary and tithe fleets throughout a majority of the empire's existence.

37. There righteousness is Attained by dressing, what they eat, tithe, offerings and sacrifices, attending a building called church every Sunday, etc not by faith – faith takes a back seat

38. In the 18th century, Jean-Jerome de Schroots (1725–1742) added a tithe house (maison de la dîme) and his successor Charles Delvaux de Fenffe rebuilt the abbatial palace.

39. Share with your bishop your commitment to pay a full tithe in the future, and work out a plan to return to the temple as soon as possible.

40. * Finances: Pay an honest tithe and fast offering, learn to create a budget and adhere to it, learn self-discipline, avoid unnecessary debt, pay off debts, save some money from each paycheck.

41. The Ordnance Survey Memoirs for County Antrim in the 1830s are full of complaints about the Cantankerousness of Presbyterians who still refused to pay tithes or small dues in the years leading up to tithe commutation in 1838

42. 8 We can bring in the tithe by attentively listening to the convention program, by sharing enthusiastically in the singing of each Kingdom song, and by listening carefully to each prayer, so that we can add our heartfelt amen.

43. Contemporary charity is regarded as a continuation of the Biblical Maaser Ani, or poor-tithe, as well as Biblical practices, such as permitting the poor to glean the corners of a field and harvest during the Shmita (Sabbatical year).

44. The former was referred to in a document from the 11th century as the property of the Abbacy of Szentmárton, while the name of Babod was first mentioned in a written document in the tithe register of the Pope in 1332-37.

45. Agro Nurani Agro Mabrur-i Agro Madani Agro Bestari-i Agro Motor Takaful Wasiat (Letter of Will) Safe Deposit Box Assessment Tax Interbank GIRO Instant Transfer Zakat (Tithe) SSPN-i Rates Fees and Charges Terms and Conditions for Deposit Account

46. (Deuteronomy 12:4-18; 14:22-27) At the end of every third and sixth year of the seven-year sabbatical cycle, the tithe was set aside for the Levites, alien residents, widows, and fatherless boys. —Deuteronomy 14:28, 29; 26:12.

47. Altars allow you "pray" to a deity and give them offerings in return for a specialized type of faction called "favor." You receive large chunks of favor by completing the progressive devotion quests, but you may also tithe items at your altar to gain small amounts of favor with your god.

48. Behoved (10 Occurrences) Matthew 23:23 Wo to you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye give tithe of the mint, and the dill, and the cumin, and did neglect the weightier things of the Law -- the judgment, and the kindness, and the faith; these it Behoved'you' to do, and those not to neglect.