Use "tightwad" in a sentence

1. She's such a tightwad.

2. He is such a tightwad.

3. Absolutely not! He's a real tightwad!

4. Europe's biggest tightwad is, in fact, France.

5. Bill's too much of a tightwad to ever eat there.

6. You can never make a tightwad spend his money freely.

7. He is a tightwad because he doesn 't like to spend money on anything.

8. I hope that when I have kids I won't be such a tightwad.

9. What day is today? Why would a tightwad like you insist on paying?

10. She folded the Tightwad Gazette so she could retire at age

11. There's no point in asking Joe to pay for it - he's a real tightwad.

12. If you a tightwad, you might feel a need to loosen and have a little fun.

13. If you're a tightwad, you might feel a to loosen up and have a little fun.

14. Last year, after surveying shoppers 'passions , behavioral economists Mellon Universitydeveloped what they call the Tightwad - Spendthrift scale.