Use "theorists" in a sentence

1. A particular theorist may argue with the interpretations of other conspiracy theorists, because by no means all theorists agree with one another.

2. Quantum theory was not wished upon us by theorists.

3. 13 Some portray the family as unwitting dupes of conspiracy theorists.

4. 16 Theorists can unravel the structure of extremely complicated games.

5. Arousal is essential for sex, evolutionary theorists argue, because sex is gross

6. All this seems to contradict the expectation of the manipulation theorists.

7. Play has been approached by several theorists as the first form of learning.

8. Modern theorists, however, assume that Castes arose from differences in family

9. Yeah, the way she keeps defending herself only gives conspiracy theorists more...

10. Alternatives to traditional cost accounting have been proposed by various management theorists.

11. Assorteth astroites atherosis athetosis earthists hesitator rheostats roastiest teratosis theorists thiasotes thoriates trashiest

12. Jewish theorists who wrote the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha interpreted Moses’ writings as vague, bland allegories.

13. The great Social-Contract theorists of the Enlightenment therefore explicitly excluded women from their systems.

14. The revisionist theorists were also, however,(sentencedict .com) much concerned with strong and stable government.

15. and in around 2,560 B.C. But to ancient alien theorists those numbers just dont adapt.

16. Conspiracy theorists like to believe that it's the symbol for the President's Secret Book.

17. Conspiracy theorists might guess that Brown has Polaroids of Wilson in a compromising position.

18. But have always been squanderers, and there have apparently always been theorists to rationalize their squandering.

19. 12 The unappealing title gives the game away: the theorists are mostly talking to themselves.

20. Evolutionary theorists argue that Altruistic behavior is a survival trait, much like eating or having sex

21. In any case, for the dependency theorists, development did not necessarily mean Western-style industrialisation.

22. But, for Jacques Lacan and other psychoanalytic theorists, the project to discover the real face remains a fantasy.

23. 1 Some theorists even believe that solar wind particles hitting the atmosphere may trigger cloud formation.

24. 8 The organizational theorists who have championed the matrixing approach candidly label it an organizational overlay.

25. And that gives dynamo theorists a way to solve one aspect of how the molten iron mixes.

26. 26 Typically, all are highly critical of the assumptions made by modernisation theorists explored in Chapter

27. It was very much the sort of developmental pedagogy that composition scholars and learning theorists prescribe for remedial students.

28. Later political theorists, like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Nietzsche would even develop a word for Hobbesian man.

29. Credentialism and credential inflation are used interchangeably by some social commentators and theorists, but separated here for clarity

30. Architecturally Speaking is an international collection of essays by leading architects, artists and theorists of locality and space

31. Arbiter theorists also recognize that liberal democratic states vary greatly in their internal organization between federal and unitary forms.

32. In advancing the tenets of racism,( Western theorists left no avenue of human potentiality and human activity untouched.

33. But ancient astronaut theorists remain convinced that there is more here than what meets the skeptical eye.

34. Classical elite theorists had sought to show that liberal democracy was a utopian ideal incapable of realization.

35. He then proceeded tactfully to admonish the theorists of botany in order to protect the practitioners of gardening.

36. So the Bioweapon hypothesis has found a home among a mix of conspiracy theorists, American conservative politicians like Sen

37. Afrofuturism refers to a flourishing contemporary movement of African American, African, and Black diasporic writers, artists, musicians, and theorists.

38. Theorists carried out the calculations for the routes which involve emitting one or two gluons in the early 1980s.

39. Organisation theorists suggest that the latter type of arrangement is more conducive to the emergence of original ideas. 2 Evaluation.

40. 8 Many modernisation theorists would claim here strong evidence for the inhibiting effect of traditional beliefs on development.

41. Anomie theorists and their subcultural followers reversed the classical position on these matters, and in doing so encountered serious problems.

42. Should they exist, gluinos are expected by supersymmetry theorists to be pair produced in particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider.

43. The realist view of power has been particularly influential in the United States among theorists and foreign-policy practitioners alike.

44. It should be pointed out that the audio-lingual method group of theorists do not minimise the importance of giving grammatical rules.

45. Fortunately, theorists Robert Brout, François Englert and Peter Higgs made a proposal that was to solve this problem

46. Balkin--like Akhil Amar, Larry Solum, and other heavyweight liberal legal theorists--wants to reconcile originalism with progressive living constitutionalism

47. The radical elite theorists emphasized that popular participation is perfectly feasible, but collusion between elite groups prevents it from being established.

48. During the seventeenth century many artists became involved in colour-theory and many theorists of colour looked to painting for enlightenment.

49. 13 This is the cultural play of signification that theorists have discussed as if it were an inalterable feature of life.

50. Accordingly, Aspectual theorists, e.g., Herweg (1991), have assumed that tense operators apply regardless of Aspectual class of the situation-radical argument.

51. Modernisation theorists too thought that the peasantry, through the diffusion of modern ideas and consumer goods, would develop out of existence.

52. 22 In his work, Genette firstly reinterprets the aesthetics of Kant through the theme of Aspectual attention and dialogues with English-spoken theorists.

53. •3 dimensional model of Attribution theory •Attribution theorists investigate the perception of causality, or the judgment of why a particular incident occurred

54. Anthologizing Post-Structuralism: Architecture écriture, Gender, and Subjectivity Karen Burns … the majority of writers in this quasi-generation of architectural theorists are women

55. Critical race theorists attack the very foundations of the [classical] liberal legal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism and neutral principles of constitutional law

56. This other drug legalization movement is an example of what theorists call legal Avoision.As described by theorist Leon Katz, the idea is to reach “a …

57. "First comes music then the theorists - not long after come the lawyers" .How to use ornaments; upper and lower Appoggiaturas or 'sighing' notes.

58. Aestheticism flourished in England from the 1870s to the 1890s, its principal theorists being Walter Pater, in the conclusion to The Renaissance (1873), and Oscar Wilde

59. The Appoggiatura is a nonharmonic tone played on the beat or strong part of the beat before resolving to a chord note: For some theorists (W

60. Neo-Riemannian theory is named after Hugo Riemann (1849–1919), whose "dualist" system for relating triads was adapted from earlier 19th-century harmonic theorists.

61. Basic needs theorists argue that it is more fruitful to stress results rather than inputs in order to measure the adequacy of development policy.

62. Archivists may have their roots in the theories of Muller, Feith, and Fruin, but there have been several theorists to improve and refine the profession

63. It is believed that Anisogamy originated from isogamy (production of gametes of equal size), which is considered by most theorists to be the ancestral condition.

64. Now, from the left, comes a ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others who've taken to the streets in protests dubbed "Occupy Wall Street.

65. Both the new novelists and the new theorists detested Balzacian realism and psychological character studies, and embraced a formalist view of language, embedded in an anti-humanist view of subjectivity

66. A gas cloud, G2, passed through the Sagittarius A* region in 2014 and managed to do so without disappearing beyond the event horizon as theorists predicted would happen.

67. To say the so-called “Birthers” are exclusive to the conservative right ignores the 9/11 conspiracy theorists and Michael Moore types on the extreme left, but the Birthers are a special case

68. Promoted initially by racist theorists such as Arthur de Gobineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Aryanism reached its peak of influence in Nazi Germany, where it was used to justify discrimination against minorities, which eventually

69. Her Agonistic model challenges a fundamental assumption made by theorists since Kant, that a universal community held together by respect for a supreme moral law must somehow lie at the basis of the post-national future

70. Indeed, practitioners and theorists consider a variety of futures: the future of Curatorial education; the future of Curatorial research; the future of Curatorial and artistic practice; and the institutions that will make these other futures

71. Conspiracy theorists believe that the remains of crashed UFO spacecrafts are stored at Area 51, an Air Force base about 150 miles from Las Vegas, where government scientists reverse-engineer the Aliens' highly advanced technology

72. Although they have flirted with the Cathectic (affective) and conative (motivational) modes of consciousness, in the context of identity salience or prominence (Stryker 1968, 1980; McCall and Simmons 1978), identity theorists have generally viewed identities in …

73. Definition Behaviorism is a learning theory that only focuses on objectively observable behaviors and discounts any independent activities of the mind. Behavior theorists define learning as nothing more than the acquisition of new behavior based on environmental conditions.

74. 2 — Chantal Mouffe / Deliberative Democracy or Agonistic Pluralism — I H S Further developed by theorists like Anthony Downs inAn Economic Theory of Democracy 2 the aggregative model became the standard one in the field, which called itself empirical “ political theory”

75. The big challenge for traditional (insensitive invariantist) theorists in the recent literature on knowledge Ascriptions has been to explain what's going on in various specific cases (or pairs of cases) where there is a piece or pattern of knowledge-attributing behaviour that …

76. Interestingly, Foucault quotes human capital theorists such as Gary S. Becker to show how such a homo oeconomicus is by definition rational whereby to be rational means to behave realistically, that is in ways which are not aleatory but systematic.

77. The Actor project involves an interdisciplinary team of composers, music theorists, musicologists, computer scientists, psychologists, signal processing scientists, sound recordists, and conductors who will engage in the analysis, creation and teaching of orchestration in contemporary classical, popular, film and video game music.

78. Theorists, as Benevolist attitudes began to infiltrate religious thought, as empiricist philosophy increasingly designated the human subject as the locus both of psychic and of referential truth, new terms in keeping with these individualist traditions gradually evolved to accommodate the

79. In addition to Contractual relationships between a firm and its external suppliers/ customers, organizational theorists have paid particular attention to the role of contracts in the internal relationship between the employees (‘agents’) and owners (‘principals’) of a company in running the business.

80. In this argument, then, only the academic pursuit of pleasure can provide a link between the private and the public realm in modern Western consumer society and strengthen that public sphere that, according to many theorists, is the foundation for modern democracy.