Use "theologians" in a sentence

1. Theologians Ban His Bibles

2. Accusations are made directly to Rome about theologians from persons who are not theologians

3. Also patron of confessors, professors, and theologians.

4. Also patron of brewers and theologians.

5. His Bibliomania ran especially to foreign books and obscure theologians

6. Most moral theologians call what Akin calls strict, Condigne stricte

7. Some Catholic theologians developed liberation theology, mixing Catholicism with revolutionary Marxism.

8. Theologians reason that Satan is just a symbol, a myth.

9. Perhaps more than anything, it was Estienne’s marginal notes that worried the theologians.

10. Still, it is Bootless to argue with theologians, especially when they wear purple or crimson

11. Instead, theologians try to force into the scriptures their preconceived ideas of a Trinity.

12. For example, some theologians have maintained that the church is both holy and sinful.

13. 8 Respected theologians held divergent points of view on the matter,[] he said.

14. Indeed, the original novel mentions the Cenobites as "Theologians of the Order of the Gash

15. Not surprisingly, theologians at the University of Paris —the Sorbonne— soon attempted to silence Lefèvre.

16. Most of the present bishops and theologians of Russian Orthodox Church have graduated from the Academy.

17. “That the historical Jesus did not present Himself as God incarnate is accepted by all [theologians] . . .

18. Bishops appointed during his term have generally been seen as theologians and defenders of the faith.

19. Chemnitz's Examination was so effective that it called forth some two-hundred responses by Roman Catholic theologians

20. Invitees were not only bishops, but heads of monastic orders, theologians representing the academic magisterium, even lay people.

21. Even slightly learned theologians know that the symbol, which we call Apostolical, is not that of all the apostles.

22. Calvinism belongs to the Reformed tradition of Protestantism.This tradition goes back to John Calvin and other theologians.

23. How, then, do Catholic theologians explain Mary’s supposedly “active share in the redemption of the human race”?

24. It is therefore prudent for theologians to ponder the relation of their work to the world of modern science.

25. Christian theologians of a more liberal persuasion would tend to interpret Elijah's eschatological significance in a less literal sense.

26. Its vision of a dynamic relationship between a stable "Heaven" and an energized "Hell" has fascinated theologians, aestheticians and psychologists.

27. However, it was Christendom’s theologians who came up with the idea that God himself determines a person’s fate!

28. But Christocentric is not a generic label that can be usefully applied irrespective of the unique particularities of individual theologians

29. The formidable challenge for progressive bishops and theologians who dominated the Second Vatican Council was to formulate a compelling alternative.

30. The Barmen Declaration was drafted by a group of German churchmen, theologians, and leaders in the city of Barmen in May 1934

31. In arguing for auricular confession to a priest who grants absolution, theologians point to Jesus, for he undeniably declared forgiveness of sins.

32. Hans Urs von Balthasar was considered to be one of the most important Catholic writers and theologians of the twentieth century

33. If this situation epitomizes the postmodern world, then theologians may hope once again to become serious participants in the cultural conversation.

34. The problem was that this belated Antiabortionism, was always a minority opinion in the informed community of theologians, saints, philosophers, and legal scholars

35. Some theologians believe that the contemplative practice of repetition, the focus on breathing, and the Contemplation of images or icons seek to …

36. The annual Chafer Theological Seminary (CTS) Pastors’ Conference is open to theologians, pastors, students, and anyone who wants to learn more about the Bible

37. Courage remains a difficult construct to accurately and categorically define for social researchers, psychologists, theologians, and philosophers alike (Woodard & Pury, 2007; Goud, 2005)

38. Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905–1988) was a Swiss theologian widely regarded as one of the greatest theologians and spiritual writers of modern times

39. Contrary to Abstractionistic traditional theologians such as Jürgen Moltmann, theological considerations of the cultural must be concrete and historically grounded

40. Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905–1988) was a Swiss theologian widely regarded as one of the greatest theologians and spiritual writers of modern times

41. John Eck, who worked with John Faber, Conrad Wimpina, and John Cochlaeus, led the Roman theologians charged with the preparation of the Confutation.

42. However, many theologians at the Sorbonne considered the church’s venerated doctrines to be more important than an accurate reading of the Bible itself.

43. The Confutation was part of the strategy used by Roman Catholic theologians and Charles V to return the Lutheran territories to the Roman church.

44. Eas quae dant Abortionem facienda medicamenta, & quae fetus necantia venena accipiunt, homicidae poenis subjicimus.19 These strictures are repeated and glossed by theologians and canonists

45. The miracle proceeded to the Medical Board in Rome on 10 September 2015 and was approved and theologians also approved the miracle on 3 November 2015.

46. Theologians distinguish the Charismata from other graces which operate personal sanctification: they call the former gratiae gratis datae in opposition to the gratiae gratum facientes

47. Cottrell asked 27 leading Adventist theologians, ‘What linguistic or contextual reasons can you give for the link between Daniel chapter 8 and Leviticus chapter 16?’

48. Some early theologians clung to Aristotle’s geocentric view of the universe because they read too much into certain Bible passages, such as Psalm 104:5.

49. As Bondings 2.0 reported yesterday, more than 250 theologians, church leaders, writers, and scholars have endorsed a statement calling for Catholics to support LGBTQ non-discrimination protections

50. The theologians of the post-Reformation era, a very clear-headed body of men, taught with great distinctness that the Charismata ceased with the Apostolic age.

51. The great councils of Constance (1414-18), Basel (1431-39), and Trent (1545-63) witnessed bishops and theologians calling for the abrogation of the law of celibacy.” —Encyclopædia Universalis.

52. Analogia Entis poses an inescapable problem for theologians, that of how we must understand the relationship of God’s being to human beings in order for us to be able to talk about God

53. Cuppa Joe is a series of 10 talks by 10 theologians on the 10 wonders of Saint Joseph, taking place at 10 locations in our archdiocese entrusted to the patronage of our spiritual father

54. Geymonat points out in his book Galileo Galilei: “Narrow-minded theologians who wanted to limit science on the basis of biblical reasoning would do nothing but cast discredit upon the Bible itself.”

55. The historical setting is the eighth-to-ninth century, which is the period of the high Islamic Enlightenment, a time when for the first time Christian theologians Bestirred themselves from their complacent view …

56. In 2018, Pope Francis revised the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) to change its teaching on the death penalty—a controversy that continues to be challenged by cardinals, bishops, priests, and theologians around the world.

57. As editor of the magazine "Die Integrierte Gemeinde", Wallbrecher aroused the interest of agnostics like Gerhard Szczesny and theologians like Joseph Ratzinger, who supported the path of the KIG within the Catholic Church since then.

58. Avarice - reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins) avaritia , greed , rapacity , covetousness deadly sin , mortal sin - an unpardonable sin entailing a total loss of grace; "theologians list seven mortal sins"

59. It combines the wisdom of top theologians Edward Sri, Jeff Cavins, and Marcellino D’ Ambrosio, the dramatic setting of a national Bible landmark, and the visual excellence of Ascension video productions in a 90-minute cinematic experience unlike any other.

60. Many theologians and the Holy See thought that the term "Consubstantial" was more in keeping with the Latin tradition and a more literal and accurate translation than the more recent "one in being."

61. And La Bible de la Liturgie (Liturgical Bible), officially approved in 1976, sums up the opinions of many Catholic theologians on the subject of the Genesis creation account, stating: “Actually, it is neither historical nor scientific truth.”

62. Brasher speculates on some of the influences and trends for congregational life - that pastors and theologians grounded in an education influenced by agrian culture and pastoral concerns might find a difficult time in relating the modern technological-cultural issues to their communities.

63. A series of connected commentaries on or excerpts of writings; especially, comments on the Bible written by early Christian theologians: As a student in the seminary, Joseph spent a great deal of time studying the Catenas in the library of the institution.

64. The research is conducted by archivists, historians, members of ecclesiastical orders, theologians etc. Germania Sacras publications are divided into the Alte Folge, the Neue Folge, the Dritte Folge, the Studien zur Germania Sacra and the Supplementbände zur Germania Sacra.

65. The Slavery Apologists The role of the church in the Civil War and the events leading up to it was primarily one of moral guidance. In the North, the abolitionist cause was the driving force behind the message from religious institutions and theologians

66. ‘His Bibliomania drove him to pay a fortune for any book that caught his interest.’ ‘As his Bibliomania grew, his worst fears became confirmed; he wrote less and less, and more crabbedly and obscurely.’ ‘His Bibliomania ran especially to foreign books and obscure theologians.’

67. The Biblicist counselor isolates a verse of Scripture that appears to speak to the issue at hand and then applies it wrongly to the counselee, in part because the counselor is not reading Scripture with the church, its confessions, or its most trusted theologians and scholars

68. With its Congeries of black sheep constituencies (Alex Jones Libertarian populists, movement leftists, anarchists, white supremacists, New World Order reactionaries, Protocols of the Elders of Zion anti-Semites, crusading architects and theologians) and its lack of a dominant leader or organization, the 9/11 Movement will likely never become

69. Amongst so excitable a people as the Arabs, this game caused quarrels and bloodshed, hence its prohibition: and the theologians, who everywhere and at all times delight in Burdening human nature, have extended the command, which is rather admonitory than prohibitive, to all games of chance.

70. My Top 42 Arminian Theologians/Preachers Posted on January 25, 2019 by Charles Heck This “Top 42” (actually it’s 41 now – Had a typo discovered on 4.30.20 by one of my blog readers) list comes from my friend Mark, who is one of the most encouraging people I …

71. The Copts, whose heritage—and even whose very existence—was either ignored or forgotten for centuries, have emerged in recent years as a remarkable community in the Christian world, and their role in the development of early organized Christianity has become a subject widely studied by modern theologians and archaeologists.

72. As the Bible uses metaphor (no one really expects God to send all the goats of the world to hell, as Matthew 25:31-33 Allegorizes), some theologians concluded that much unfulfilled prophecy must have also been intended as metaphor—the promises made to Israel were really meant for the church.

73. Apostolic age; Apostolic church (the church of any of the Apostolic sees; the Christian church in general during the Apostolic age) Apostolic father (any of various early Christian theologians or leading figures traditionally believed to have known the apostles) Apostolic poverty (a 13th century doctrine professed by the mendicant orders)

74. ‘Meanwhile, in another city close to my heart, the concept of the football dream team is being Bruited anew.’ ‘It's been Bruited about by well-known theologians, sharp-tongued satirists and social critics (Mark Twain among others), but it's not really a very subtle point: The life of eternal blessedness sounds boring.’

75. Still maintaining the earlier--since revised--attribution of the work to Albinus, Hampus Lyttkens has written: "Undoubtedly, [Alcinous's] three ways of learning to know God are the beginnings of the doctrine of the 'three ways'--via negationis, via causalitatis, and via eminentiae--later propounded by Dionysius Areopagita and the medieval theologians.

76. Constantine reigned during the 4th century CE and is known for attempting to Christianize the Roman Empire.He made the persecution of Christians illegal by signing the Edict of Milan in 313 and helped spread the religion by bankrolling church-building projects, commissioning new copies of the Bible, and summoning councils of theologians to hammer out the religion’s doctrinal kinks.

77. Literally "from the chair", a theological term which signifies authoritative teaching and is more particularly applied to the definitions given by the Roman pontiff.Originally the name of the seat occupied by a professor or a bishop, Cathedra was used later on to denote the magisterium, or teaching authority.The phrase ex Cathedra occurs in the writings of the medieval theologians, and more

78. Corblet says: “The majority of theologians and liturgists admit in a general manner: 1st, that there was total immersion from evangelical times until about the fourteenth century; 2nd, that from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century, partial immersion of the body was used with affusion [pouring] on the head; 3rd, that from the fifteenth century affusion alone replaced affusion accompanied by immersion.”

79. From Miroslav Volf, one of the world's foremost Christian theologians—and co-teacher, along with Tony Blair, of a groundbreaking Yale University course on faith and globalization—comes Allah, a timely and provocative argument for a new pluralism between Muslims and Christians.In a penetrating exploration of every side of the issue, from New York Times headlines on terrorism to passages in

80. Capable (adj.) "sufficiently able, having power or capacity, qualified," 1590s, from French Capable "able, sufficient; able to hold," or directly from Late Latin capabilis "receptive; able to grasp or hold," used by theologians, from Latin capax "able to hold much, broad, wide, roomy;" also "receptive, fit for;" adjectival form of capere "to grasp, lay hold, take, catch; undertake; take in