Use "the jewish population" in a sentence

1. As the Jewish population grew, so did the impact of Yiddish culture on the region.

2. I know it's possible, but it's rare, like tay-Sachs disease in the Jewish population or sickle cell anemia in African-Americans.

3. The Jewish population in eastern and central Europe began being distinguished from the Holy Land Jewish people by the use of the name Ashkenazi

4. From 1787-1790 Prince Franz had a synagogue built on a small hill at the end of the alleyway "Amtsgasse" for the Jewish population of Wörlitz and Oranienbaum.

5. The Action Plan will target new immigrants, as well as immigrants who have resided in Finland for allong period, other groups include second generation immigrants, historical ethnic communities such as Sami, Roma, the Jewish population, Tartars and the Russian population.