Use "the great majority" in a sentence

1. OK, so the great majority of us.

2. The great majority of human genes are located on Autosomes.

3. The great majority of people seem to agree with this view.

4. The great majority of organisms on Earth remain unknown to science.

5. The great majority of the work is written in a Romantic style.

6. These rulings compelled the reapportionment of the great majority of state legislatures.

7. The great majority of players would, of course, sign the contract without hesitation.

8. The great majority of those who still practiced their faith disregarded the encyclical.

9. The great majority of freshwater gastropods have a shell, with very few exceptions.

10. In the black-earth regions, however, the great majority remained close to the breadline.

11. Opinion polls revealed that the great majority of workers in Sweden supported the miners.

12. Though the great majority of the populace profess to be Christian, intertribal massacres were launched.

13. As I mentioned, most claims are not supportable, and we reject the great majority.

14. The capital majority rule a great significance to keeping the balance of interests among the shareholders.

15. 10 Such a question would inevitably be negatively answered by the great majority of people.

16. Nicknamed “The Rancher,” this Chute is a great option for the majority of today’s cattle operations.

17. In the great majority of developing countries, such urban elites spearheaded the fight against the colonizing power.

18. We may note that Jesus there acknowledged that the great majority would never heed his advice.

19. For the great majority of patients therapy is based on palliation of pain and obstructive jaundice.

20. I discover after 12 years, great majority enterprise knows CIO far from why content.

21. Given the distances between the stars, the great majority of stellar systems in colliding galaxies will be unaffected.

22. Anthers (Figure 9.26) are discrete pollen containing units, found in the stamens of the great majority of angiosperms

23. Anthers (Figure 9.26) are discrete pollen containing units, found in the stamens of the great majority of angiosperms

24. There was great surprise when it became clear that no single party would gain a majority.

25. Albuminuria sees more most with kidney spherule nephritis, and great majority nephritis is met appear albuminuria .

26. The great majority, once they breach the system and hear the telltale whine, are out of there like a shot.

27. The result of this anomalous position has been that the majority of the disabled have had to suffer great financial hardship.

28. 24 The great majority of revolutionary populists resolutely rejected the deception and unprincipled adventurism of a few untypical deviants like Nechaev.

29. The great majority of the population are not allowed to participate in any political activities except those expressly encouraged by the regime.

30. Low income and lower middle income account for the great majority (79%) of all Airfreighted organic imports to the UK in 2006.

31. Absolute majority (in the European Parliament): Majority of the members who comprise Parliament.

32. 24 The great majority of the population are not allowed to participate in any political activities except those expressly encouraged by the regime.

33. 6 By now, in this latter part of “the last days,” the great majority of the 144,000 have died and received their heavenly reward.

34. — absolute majority

35. The great majority of this class are lekythoi, 2 but pyxides and Alabastoi of similar technique also occur, though not among the earliest examples

36. The categories of Adopters are innovators, early Adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards

37. However, privatization of ejidos continues to be very slow in the central and southern states where the great majority of peasants produce only for subsistence.

38. Absolute majority: 310

39. Absolute majority - 255.

40. With the great majority of the African population living in camps in Darfur or neighbouring Chad, the remaining Arab herders are increasingly moving into the abandoned areas.

41. Black Bears are one of the largest predators living in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, but the majority of their diet is made up of plants

42. She says the majority are Egyptians .

43. The vast majority live further inland.

44. The Right has a thumping majority.

45. The President recalled that a simple majority (not an absolute majority) was required for the third ballot.

46. The absolute majority is 263 votes.

47. Including the Majority Whip, Jackie Sharp.

48. Even when the majority of Ampoules …

49. Zeal That Stirs Up the Majority

50. The great majority—75 percent—of the chronically underfed live in rural areas of developing countries. They are landless , frequently unemployed or employed at very low wages.

51. The majority of the population is Protestant.

52. Child reached the age of majority

53. The age of majority is eighteen.

54. Required absolute majority: 97

55. Highly Acculturated minorities often are proficient at use of majority language, have received advanced education in majority culture schools, employed by majority culture entities, and are able to function competently on a daily fashion in the majority culture

56. 1 The vast majority live further inland.

57. Many Broadsheets focus a great deal on politics and foreign affairs whereas a tabloid has majority if not all of its content focusing on …

58. Appropriately, the dental journal J Periodontol explains: “In the great majority of cases, halitosis originates in the mouth itself, as the result of microbial putrefaction [decomposition of organic matter].”

59. Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the majority opinion.

60. The majority of Bussers work at restaurants

61. Also, the majority of Protestants are Kanaks.

62. The majority of Chinese people have bicycles.

63. Often, the justice who authored the majority opinion will incorporate into the majority opinion a response to the dissenting opinion's arguments.

64. The majority of the abortion requests were granted.

65. 5 The minority is subordinate to the majority.

66. The vast majority are black and Hispanic.

67. Who is the Senate Majority Leader now?

68. The vast majority of the immigrants were Americans.

69. You're naked the vast majority of the time.

70. But the caustic critics were not the majority.

71. A majority of the electorate oppose the law.

72. Sedimentary Basins, in which the great majority of oil reservoirs are found, are formed by the deposition of sediments carried down by rivers and settled under bodies of water

73. Be in with in post, great majority netizen is right " billow of the affection in the dream " behavior puts forward to condemn, the netizen call this group " profanatory close affection " .

74. Majority Banande (Prunier, 2009, p

75. Objection is rejected by an absolute majority or Objection is rejected by a 2/3 majority

76. The majority of knee implants are Cemented implants

77. Today, the majority of Lamu's population is Muslim.

78. The overwhelming majority are law-abiding and productive.

79. The majority of individuals with Anorexia are female.

80. The majority of worldwide sporting participants are amateurs.