Use "thatched roofs" in a sentence

1. These thatched roofs frequently catch fire .

2. Green grass sprouted from the mouldy, neglected thatched roofs.

3. They were accommodated in African-style “huts” with thatched roofs.

4. Others might be open-sided structures, with bamboo walls and thatched roofs.

5. From the rafters of the thatched roofs hung strings of dried onions and garlic.

6. The thatched roofs of the old houses have a steep pitch to prevent snow from accumulating.

7. The evidence suggests that almost all the village houses in earlier days were built of dried mud with thatched roofs.

8. But within a stone’s throw are dirt-floor dwellings with adobe walls and thatched roofs where electricity and running water are mere dreams.

9. Access is strictly limited, with the public allowed to see merely the thatched roofs of the central structures, hidden behind three tall wooden fences.