Use "testified" in a sentence

1. Two competent witnesses testified.

2. The teacher testified to the boy's honesty.

3. The bulge in its midriff testified to that.

4. 3 Many astronauts have testified to the exhilaration of weightlessness.

5. Clair F.. Gill testified before the two subcommittees.

6. 5 The pride of Israel has testified against him;*+

7. 16 Clair F.. Gill testified before the two subcommittees.

8. 10 The pride of Israel has testified against him,+

9. After the war he testified that gassings had stopped by then.

10. They scattered; they taught, testified, and established the Church.

11. He was Bathed, he testified by Viola Bellaire, 15

12. She testified under oath that the defendant was innocent.

13. 16 A large number of witnesses testified to the tribunal.

14. Hunter [1907–95] was sustained as President of the Church, he testified:

15. I believe you testified you backed away from Aaron Wharton?

16. Friendly societies and the cooperative movement testified to the accommodation.

17. He testified of Christ and preached repentance to a wicked generation.

18. Burnette testified that he was at a bar from 11 p.m

19. Later, the witness who had testified against Muawad withdrew his allegation.

20. 28 Many had testified to Josephine Butler's impact on the rostrum.

21. Similarly, Mr. Degerfalt testified that relay type RXSP is an alarm relay.

22. Mr. Ossie Neumann, Chief Operating Officer at Morris, testified at the hearing.

23. She testified in Auton v. British Columbia against the required government funding of ABA.

24. Packer testified that the Atonement “is the very root of Christian doctrine.

25. In court, several boys testified that roaches ran amok inside their apartment.

26. She testified that there are also other compounds which are not known yet.

27. Top synonyms for Adduced (other words for Adduced) are said, testified and product.

28. He testified he was at the theatre at the time of the murder.

29. One of the gang members began a vendetta against her after she testified.

30. All the teenagers testified during the trial that they could see very well.

31. Stiffened webs are testified to improve the strength of circular hole castellated composite beams.

32. McDougal testified at the same trial that the meeting with Clinton and Hale never took place.

33. Aciers Transbec (Transbec) made a submission and testified in support of the domestic producers.

34. In his last general conference address, he testified of the healing power of forgiveness.

35. I testified against her as a professional witness in a Rwanda war crimes tribunal.

36. Marketing expert Mark Roesler testified Thursday that Simpson could cash in on his name.

37. Mr. Degerfalt testified that there might be differences between a relay and a relay system.

38. As those who know fishermen well have often testified, they are gamblers and incurably optimistic.

39. Sayenko testified in court that he was in constant fear of Suprunyuk since 7th grade.

40. Eight other men also testified that they had seen and handled the golden plates.4

41. Her popularity sank after she testified under subpoena before a Washington grand jury investigating Whitewater.

42. He testified to overhearing whispered conversations about a smuggling plot while in an Australian prison.

43. Mr. Kost testified that a battery pack is the only source of power for a cellular telephone.

44. She further testified that several male drivers, although they had also submitted accident reports, received the bonus.

45. Now, Officer McKensie has testified that you were found at that time holding a handgun?

46. Method We selected 60 cases of cerebral infraction who were testified by CT or MRI.

47. I forget her name-a Miss Barber, I think-but she testified at the trial.

48. Richard testified that Baston never really felt like he was a part of their family

49. And according to the medical expert who testified at this inquest... strangled... and afterwords thrown into the river.

50. Its employees testified at the oral hearing and submitted affidavits contesting the allegations in the statement of objections.

51. DWT is testified to be a new effective way in analyzing the echolocation signals of bats.

52. Detective, you testified previously that, when you encountered Mrs. Allen in the church, she was distraught.

53. Rapier was among those who testified during the government inquiry, under condition of immunity from prosecution.

54. [226] WO Beland testified that he spoke to all of Ms. Mowat’s supervisors and section heads.

55. Clinton and Lewinsky were both called before a grand jury; Clinton testified via closed-circuit television, Lewinsky in person.

56. Probation Officer Marla Weisenfeld testified she clearly informed Fajardo before the trip that he couldn't travel without court approval.

57. 16 When her family contested the will, Agia ominously testified on behalf of Mons from her grave.

58. 23 I went down in good faith to the grand jury and testified and obviously the results are not there.

59. The prosecution closed its case on 4 November 2004 after 58 witnesses testified over 212 trial days.

60. Small dunes in the surrounding landscape testified to the accumulation of loose sand deposited by northeasterly winds.

61. Actually the application and the feasibility of this method are testified by contrasting to the subsistent testing.

62. IN PRE-CHRISTIAN times, a long line of witnesses boldly testified that Jehovah is the only true God.

63. The prosecution closed its case on 25 January 2005 after 15 witnesses had testified over 25 trial days.

64. He testified that on-load tap changers can be adjusted manually or remotely through the control room relays.

65. The appellant7 testified that the two pointed objects were not part of the blowpipe that was to be imported.

66. She testified at the 1945 war crimes trial of former commandants and staff members from Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen

67. Many testified to the effectiveness of a feature called “Questions for Discussion” appearing at the end of each chapter:

68. The final straw came in 1976 when Gregg testified against his personal pusher Scooter Herring, in return for amnesty.

69. Bouser testified Sadler patted him down and directed him into the police car before the records check was completed

70. She also testified that Irvin had terrorized her in an effort to make her recant her testimony against him.

71. 2 Paul Ginsberg, an audiotape expert hired by Rosen, testified that the tape actually was made in four segments.

72. 27 The final straw came in 1976 when Gregg testified against his personal pusher Scooter Herring, in return for amnesty.

73. Several months after Bergen-Belsen’s liberation, Hughes testified at what would be the first war crimes trial following Germany’s surrender

74. Others died in police stations, or in nearby woods, where their mutilated bodies testified to truncheon and rifle-butt injuries.

75. Under oath he is said to have testified that for the first half of 1971 his gross income was over $250,000.

76. As he defended his faith against Zeezrom’s attempts to ensnare him, Amulek testified that salvation from sin comes only through Jesus Christ.

77. One former Garcia confidante has testified in court that his old boss handed out millions to government officials who protected his shipments.

78. The complainant testified that she did not receive the bonus because, according to the respondent, she had been involved in an accident.

79. Banes testified at trial and told his version of events to the jury, and the jury rejected Banes’s version of events

80. Then the matching feasibility of 2-D scalar field achieved by the above algorithm is testified with Mean Square Difference (MSD) criterion.